Graphs a feature’s oxide percentages by shot number.
Setup Example
- Within the configure page’s layers tab create a new layer with Kind of Layer set to Chemistry Tool.
- Set it’s URL to a geojson file or geodataset where each feature contains a property called “TARGET”. This “TARGET” should correspond to the “Target” in the next step.
- Upload a csv dataset called “ccam_single_shots” that contains a column for “Target”, “ShotNumber”, “Al2O3”, “CaO”, “FeOT”, “K2O”, “MgO”, “Na2O”, “SiO2” and “TiO2”
Use the following for the layer’s raw variables:
{ "datasetLinks": [ { "prop": "TARGET", "dataset": "ccam_single_shots", "column": "Target", "type": "" } ], "chemistry": [ "Al2O3", "CaO", "FeOT", "K2O", "MgO", "Na2O", "SiO2", "TiO2" ] }
is saying: When a user clicks on a feature of this layer, query the MMGIS database. Look for the dataset called “ccam_single_shots” and look at the column “Target”. Return back every row of the dataset where the feature’s property “TARGET”s value equals that of “Target”.chemistry
describes which chemistry columns to use as percentages and it what order.