Image Layer
Image layers are GeoTIFF or Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFS (COGs). This currently only supports single banded GeoTIFF/COG images.
Layer Name
type: string
The unique display name and identifier of the layer. It must be unique and contain no special characters.
type: string
A file path that points to a GeoTIFF or COG image. If the path is relative, it will be relative to the mission’s directory.
type: string
An absolute or relative file path pointing to a legend.csv
that describes the symbology of the layer. Please see the Legend Tool to see how to form a legend.csv
Fill min/max
type: bool
Fill in with the maximum color or minimum color value if below min and/or above max of the band
Hide No Data Value
type: bool
If true, hides all values where there is no data. This requires the image to have the nodata value set.
Transform COG
type: bool
Enable rescaling and coloring single banded COGs on the fly. This only supports single banded GeoTIFF/COG images.
Minimum Pixel Data Value
type: float optional
If using single banded COGs, the default minimum value for which to rescale.
Maximum Pixel Data Value
type: float optional
If using single banded COGs, the default maximum value for which to rescale.
Maximum Pixel Data Value
type: string optional
Units string by which to suffix values. For instance if the units are meters, use ‘m’ so that values are displayed as ‘100m’.
type: string optional
Select using the drop down of available colors, which uses the intersection of colormaps from TiTiler and js-colormaps.
Initial Visibility
type: bool
Whether the layer is on initially.
Initial Opacity
type: float
A value from 0 to 1 of the layer’s initial opacity. 1 is fully opaque.
Minimum Zoom
type: integer
The lowest (smallest number) zoom level of the tile set.
Note: This field can be automatically populate with “Populate from XML”. “Populate from XML” uses looks for a tilemapresource.xml
in the tileset directory specified by the URL field.
Maximum Native Zoom
type: integer
The highest (largest number) zoom level of the tile set.
Note: This field can be automatically populate with “Populate from XML”. “Populate from XML” uses looks for a tilemapresource.xml
in the tileset directory specified by the URL field.
Maximum Zoom
type: integer
The highest (largest number) zoom level to see in MMGIS. This value is at least as high as Maximum Native Zoom. This allows zooms level higher than that of the tileset. Instead of rendering new tile image, it scales them in instead.
Bounding Box
type: string optional
A comma separated string defining the tileset’s minimumLonDeg,minimumLatDeg,maximumLonDeg,maximumLatDeg
. Setting a bounding box improves performance by limiting requests for tiles to only those that fit the bounds.
Note: This field can be automatically populate with “Populate from XML”. “Populate from XML” uses looks for a tilemapresource.xml
in the tileset directory specified by the URL field.