Time Tiles

If you’re serving from /Missions, MMGIS offers a simple in-built method for querying time-based tilesets.

Tileset Path Structure


A {t} parameter is added to the full tileset path. .../layer/{t}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png It is based on an ISO 9601 time but with : replaced with underscores and without the final Z.


  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-09-07T00_00_00Z/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-10-07T00_00_00Z/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-11-07T00_00_00Z/16/57776/31916.png

Folder Tags

Additionally {t} may be appended with a name. The time is accessed by splitting on the new delimiter Z- and taking the first element.


  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-09-07T00_00_00Z–LosAngeles/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-10-07T00_00_00Z–NewYork/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-11-07T00_00_00Z–London/16/57776/31916.png

Note: Do not change the configured url to include the appended folder name. It should remain /{t}/. The time folder name will be parsed accordingly and .../{t}-LosAngeles/... will break the path.

Time Ranges

Time ranges are supported as well. Join start and ending times with -to-.


  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-09-07T00_00_00Z-to-2022-10-01T00_00_00Z/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-10-07T00_00_00Z-to-2022-11-01T00_00_00Z/16/57776/31916.png
  • /Missions/MSL/Layers/ExampleTimeTiles/2022-11-07T00_00_00Z-to-2022-12-01T00_00_00Z–London/16/57776/31916.png


For a tile layer in the Layers Tab, simply:

  1. Include the proper /{t}/ parameter in its URL (see above).
  2. Set Time Enabled to True.

Note: The positioning of {t} does offer some flexibility. Be aware though that MMGIS will scan its full directory for other times to compare too. ../{z}/{x}/{y}/{t}.png while valid, has not been tested and may be expensive. MMGIS caches active time tile directories for 30 minutes.

In the Time Tab:

  • Enable and make Visible the User Interface.


In MMGIS, expand the TimeUI bar by clicking the clock icon at the bottom right of the screen.