Vector Styling

There are two main ways to style a GeoJSON Vector Layer:

  1. Changing a Vector Layer’s configuration style fields
  2. Adding a style object into a feature’s "properties" object inside a GeoJSON file.

The priorities of stylings are as follows (from highest to lowest):

  1. Vector Layer configuration style fields with prop:geojson_property_key entered
    • prop:geojson_property_key will set the feature’s color to the values of features[i].properties.geojson_property_key
  2. Style Object per feature Example:

    "properties": {
        "style": {
            "fillColor": "#b3b300",
            "fillOpacity": 1,
            "color": "black",
            "opacity": 1,
            "weight": 2,
            "radius": 10,
            "dashArray": "20",
            "lineCap": "square",
            "lineJoin": "miter",
            "noclick": true,
            "nointeraction": true,
            "minZoom": 10,
            "maxZoom": 17

    All are optional, including the "style" object entirely.

    • fillColor: The internal color of the feature.
    • fillOpacity: The opacity of the fillColor. Alternatively, fillColor could hold a color with alpha itself such as rgba(255,0,0,0.5) or hsl(170, 80%, 50%, 0.1).
    • color: The color of the stroke/border of the feature. If the feature is a line, this is its main color.
    • opacity: The opacity of the stroke/border. If the feature is a line, this is its main opacity. Alternatively, color could hold a color with alpha itself such as rgba(255,0,0,0.5) or hsl(170, 80%, 50%, 0.1).
    • weight: The thickness in pixels of the stroke/border.
    • radius: If the feature type is a point, the radius in pixels of that point.
    • dashArray: A dashed border. See stroke-dasharray.
    • lineCap: How to cap off the ends of lines. See stroke-linecap.
    • lineJoin: How to join line segments. See stroke-linejoin.
    • noclick: True sets the feature to be unclickable.
    • nointeraction: True sets the feature to have no interactions (no click, no hover, can click through).
    • minZoom: Minimum zoom to render this feature. Overrides the layer’s overall minZoom (and legeacy visibilityCutoff).
    • maxZoom: Maximum zoom to render this feature. Overrides the layer’s overall maxZoom (and legeacy visibilityCutoff).
  3. Vector Layer configuration style fields (non-prop:geojson_property_key)
    • A named color
      • crimson, blue, rebeccapurple
    • A hex color
      • #FFF, #A58101
    • An rgb color
      • rgb(255,89,45)
    • An hsl color
      • hsl(130, 26%, 34%)
    • See CSS colors for a complete list.
  4. A default black or blue.