Velocity Layer

For visualizing data that represents velocities with magnitude and horizontal direction (e.g., wind, ocean currents). They may be visualized as streamlines or particles (with placeholders to fully support arrows and wind barbs in the future).


Layer Name

type: string
The unique display name and identifier of the layer. It must be unique and contain no special characters

Kind of Layer

type: enum
The kind of visualization for the layer: streamlines (animated flowlines), particles (similar to streamlines but single direction for all particles), arrows (similar to vectors with arrow styling), or wind barbs.


type: string
A file path that points to a geojson, gribjson (streamlines only), or geotiff (arrows only). If the path is relative, it will be relative to the mission’s directory. The URL must contain a proper placeholder ending such as: {z}/{x}/{y}.png.

Minimum Zoom

type: integer
The lowest (smallest number) zoom level of the tile set.
Note: This field can be automatically populate with “Populate from XML”. “Populate from XML” uses looks for a tilemapresource.xml in the tileset directory specified by the URL field.

Maximum Zoom

type: integer
The highest (largest number) zoom level to see in MMGIS. This value is at least as high as Maximum Native Zoom. This allows zooms level higher than that of the tileset. Instead of rendering new tile image, it scales them in instead.

Initial Opacity

type: float
A value from 0 to 1 of the layer’s initial opacity. 1 is fully opaque.


type: boolean
Whether the layer can be dynamically updated via the JavaScript API or not. If true, the layer can be dynamically updated and the URL is not required. If true and a URL is set and Time Enabled is true, the initial url query will be performed.



Utilizes leaflet-velocity.

Sample layer:

Min Velocity

type: float
Velocity at which particle intensity is minimum (m/s). Default 0

Max Velocity

type: float
Velocity at which particle intensity is maximum (m/s). Default: 15

Velocity Scale

type: float
Scale for wind velocity. Default: 0.005

Particle Age

type: float
Max number of frames a particle is drawn before regeneration. Default: 90

Line Width

type: float
Line width of a drawn particle. Default: 1

Particle Multiplier

type: float
Particle count scalar. Default: 1/300

Frame Rate

type: float
Particle frame rate. Default 15

Display Values

type: boolean
Display label of pixel values on the map.

Display Position

type: string
Where to display data values.

Color Scale

type: string
Set of colors for visualizing velocity magnitude values.


Utilizes Leaflet.Rain.

Currently only works with GeoJSON containing list of corner points. Example:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [
      { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-124.409591, 32.534156] }, "properties": {} },
      { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-114.131211, 32.534156] }, "properties": {} },
      { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-114.131211, 42.009518] }, "properties": {} },
      { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-124.409591, 42.009518] }, "properties": {} },
      { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-124.409591, 32.534156] }, "properties": {} }


type: string
The color of the particles.

Particle Angle

type: float
Particle angle (degrees). Default: 80

Particle Width

type: float
Particle width (px). Default: 1

Particle Spacing

type: float
X-spacing between particles (px). Default 10

Particle Length

type: float
Particle length (px). Default: 4

Particle Interval

type: float
Y-spacing between particles (px). Default: 10

Particle Speed

type: float
Particle speed factor. Values greater than 1 increase speed. Default: 0.1