JavaScript API Utils

The src/essence/mmgisAPI/mmgisAPI.js file exposes functions that can be called using the global window.mmgisAPI object.


Object Manipulation

arrayAverage(array, key)

Returns the average value of an array of numbers.
If array is an array of objects, the optional key can be set to say which key to average.


Returns an array without duplicates.

chunkArray(arr, size)

Breaks an array in multiple arrays of some size. A 2D array is returned.


Deep clones an object.

diff(arr1, arr2)

Returns an array of only the matching elements between two arrays.

getIn(obj, keyArray, notSetValue)

Traverses an object with an array of keys. Pre-object chaining.


mmgisAPI.utils.getIn({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, "a.b.c"); // => 1
mmgisAPI.utils.getIn({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, "a.b.c.d", null); // => null
mmgisAPI.utils.getIn({ a: { b: { c: 1 } } }, ["a", "b", "c"]); // => 1

getKeyByValue(obj, value)

Given an flat object, returns the first key with the specified value.


Returns the minimum and maximum values of an array of numbers.

getValueByKeyCaseInsensitive(key, obj)

Returns the value of a flat object’s while matching keys case-insensitively.


Returns true if all elements of the array are the same (empty is false).


Returns true if the object is empty.

isEqual(obj1, obj2, isSimple)

Compares two objects to see if they’re equal. Setting isSimple will simply compare both object’s JSON.stringify value.


Returns the length of an array minus all its null values.

objectArrayIndexOfKeyWithValue(objectArray, key, value)

Returns the index of an array of objects with a matching key-value pair (-1 if not found).

pad(num, size)

Pads a number or string with leading zeros such that the returned string is of length size.


Returns the array without duplicates.


Returns the array of objects without duplicates. Object matching happens with JSON.stringify.

stitchArrays(keyArray, valueArray)

Combines an array of keys and a separate corresponding array of values together into an object.


Returns the array without duplicates.

String Manipulation

bracketReplace(str, obj)

Shortcut method for quickly populating bracketed {} parameters in a string.


mmgisAPI.utils.bracketReplace("{a} {b}", { a: "hello", b: "world" }); // => 'hello world'


Removes common non-alphanumeric symbols from a string.


Returns the filename (minus extension) from a filepath.


mmgisAPI.utils.fileNameFromPath("/path/to/an/image/that/says/hello/world.png"); // => world
mmgisAPI.utils.fileNameFromPath("/path/to/an/image/that/says/hello/world"); // => world
mmgisAPI.utils.fileNameFromPath("world"); // => world


Gets the extension of a string (without periods).


mmgisAPI.utils.getExtension("file.json"); // => 'json'


Returns true if str is a string and can be parsed to a float.


mmgisAPI.utils.isStringNumeric("5.4"); // => true
mmgisAPI.utils.isStringNumeric("v5.4"); // => false
mmgisAPI.utils.isStringNumeric("5.4v"); // => false
mmgisAPI.utils.isStringNumeric(5.4); // => false


Checks whether a given URL is absolute.


mmgisAPI.utils.isUrlAbsolute("file.json"); // => false
mmgisAPI.utils.isUrlAbsolute("http://file.json"); // => true
mmgisAPI.utils.isUrlAbsolute("file://file.json"); // => true
mmgisAPI.utils.isUrlAbsolute(""); // => false
mmgisAPI.utils.isUrlAbsolute("../file.json"); // => false


Checks whether a given URL is valid. Uses anchor element <a> to perform test.


Given a month [0, 11], returns its three character string (‘Jan’, ‘Feb’, …)


Given a number [0, 16], return its name in lowercase.


Returns the name with underscores as spaces and all word capitalized.


Removes the following symbols from the string: <, >, {, }, ;.


Given a timestamp, returns the UTC date in the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM:SS

toEllipsisString(str, length)

Given a string, does not let it exceed length and truncates and adds “…” if it does.


areaOfTriangle(aX, aY, bX, bY, cX, cY)

Returns the 2D area of the triangle defined by the three points.

bearingBetweenTwoLatLngs(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2)

Finds the bearing/angle from the first latlng to the second. 0 is north and travels clock-wise.


mmgisAPI.utils.bearingBetweenTwoLatLngs(0, 0, 1, 0); // => 0
mmgisAPI.utils.bearingBetweenTwoLatLngs(0, 0, 0, 1); // => 90

boundingBoxToFeature(nE, sW)

Turns a bounding box specified by {lat, lng} corners into a geojson feature.

Function parameters

  • nE - {lat, lng} pair for the northeast bounding box corner
  • sW - {lat, lng} pair for the southwest bounding box corner

circleFeatureFromTwoLngLats(lnglatCenter, lnglatRadius, steps, crs)

Creates a GeoJSON circle feature based on a center point and a point on the edge.

Function parameters

  • lnglatCenter - {lng, lat} - the lat,lng point of the circle’s center.
  • lnglatRadius - {lng, lat} - a lat,lng point on the circle’s edge.
  • steps - number - number of vertices that make up the circumference.
  • crs? - CRS Object - if a crs is passed, the circle will be map-projection-based and not screen-based.

If crs is passed, circle will be map-projection-based and not screen based.

closestPoint(p, pts)

Given a point p and series of points, finds the point that’s closest to p. Returns a point with points.

Function parameters

  • p - {x, y} - source point
  • pts - [[[x,y], [x,y]], [[x, y]]] - MultiLineString

closestToSegment(p, v, w)

Given a point p and two line endpoints, finds the closest position on the line of p.

Function parameters

  • p - {x, y}
  • v - {x, y}
  • w - {x, y}

closestToSegments(p, lines)

Like closestToSegment() but accepts multiple lines. lines is of form: [[[x1, y1], [x2, y2]], [[x1, y1],[x2, y2]], ... ]

coordinateDepthTraversal(array, onEachLeaf)

Iterates depth-first through a coordinates array. onEachLeaf provides a callback for each coordinate.


Using the currently configured major planetary radius, converts degrees to equatorial meters.

destinationFromBearing(lat, lng, bearing, distance, round_off)

Given a source point, a bearing and a distance, finds the destination point.

distanceFormula(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Standard distance formula between two points.

doBoundingBoxesIntersect(a, b)

Returns a boolean whether two bounding boxes of the form [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] intersect.


Returns 6371000 / majorRadius. Sometimes useful when making Earth-centric code generic.

getFeatureArea(feature, displayFriendly)

Given a GeoJSON feature, computes its area in meters. If displayFriendly is true, returns the area to a fixed decimal place and with units.

getFeatureLength(feature, displayFriendly)

Given a ‘LineString’, ‘MultiLineString’ or ‘Polygon’ feature, computes it’s length/perimeter in meters. If displayFriendly is true, returns the area to a fixed decimal place and with units.

getPtSomeDistBetween2OtherPts(x0, y0, x1, y1, d)

Given two points, finds a point d distance from the first towards the seconds.


mmgisAPI.utils.getPtSomeDistBetween2OtherPts(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.2); // => {x: 0, y: 0.2}

inclinationBetweenTwoLatLngs(lat1, lng1, elev1, lat2, lng2, elev2)

Computes the inclination/elevation angle between two latlngelv points. This function does not account for planetary curvature.

interpolatePointsPerun(p1, p2, p)

Given two {x: , y: } points, return the point p percent from p1 to p2. p is from 0 to 1.


mmgisAPI.utils.interpolatePointsPerun({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 1 }, 0.6); // => {x: 0, y: 0.6, z: 0}

lat2tileUnfloored(lat, zoom)

Returns the mercator tile Y coordinate at that latitude and at the zoom.

lineOfSight1D(heightArray, observerHeight, targetHeight)

Performs a line of sight viewshed in one dimension.

Function parameters

  • heightArray - Array of elevation values, length should be >2, observer at index 0
  • observerHeight - How many units tall is the observer. - number - default 0
  • targetHeight - How high off the surface are we checking viewability. Leave at 0 for seeing the surface. - number - default 0

linearScale(domain, range, value)

Given domain and range min-max arrays, maps value from the domain space into the range space.


mmgisAPI.utils.linearScale([-1, 1], [0, 100], 0); // => 50

lngLatDistBetween(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)

Given two lnglats, returns the distance in meters between them. Uses the haversine formula.

lon2tileUnfloored(lon, zoom)

Returns the mercator tile X coordinate at that longitude and at the zoom.

lonLatToVector3nr(lon, lat, height)

Converts a longitude, latitude and height into 3D vector space. nr in the function name indicates no radiusheight is the distance from the center without the planetary radius added to it.


Returns the ratio of Mars’ to Earth’s surface areas. Sometimes useful when making Earth-centric code generic.


Using the currently configured major planetary radius, converts equatorial meters to degrees.

pointsInPoint(point, layer)

Given a point [lng, lat] and a leaflet layer, returns all Point features in that layer with the same lng, lat value. Useful for finding overlapping points.

rotatePoint(pt, center, angle)

2D rotate a point about another point a certain angle. pt is {x: ,y: }, center is [x,y] and angle is in radians.

rotatePoint3D(pt, angle, center)

3D rotates a point about another point a certain angle. Rotates X then Z then Y.

Function parameters

  • pt - Point to rotate - {x: , y: , z: }
  • center - Point to rotate around - {x: , y: , z: } - default {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
  • angle - Angles to rotate in radians - {x: , y: , z: }

setRadius(which, radius)

Sets the major or minor radius in MMGIS. Use this only if you know what you’re doing.

Function parameters

  • which - ‘major’ or minor
  • radius - Radius in meters

subdivideLine(line, meters)

Subdivides a LineString’s coordinates such that they are no more than meters meters apart.

tileContains(xyz, z, useLast)

Given an xyz and z, gets all tiles on zoom level z that are contained in xyz. Return arrays of [x,y,z]s contained

Function parameters

  • xyz - the tile to get the contents of - [x,y,z]
  • z - the zoom level of tiles to get - number
  • useLast - use lastTileContains. lastTileContains stores the last three calls and results to speed up performance - boolean - default false

tileIsContained(xyzContainer, xyzContained, useLast)

Returns true if tile xyzContainer contains the tile xyzContained

Function parameters

  • xyzContainer - [x,y,z]
  • xyzContained - [x,y,z]
  • useLast - use lastTileContains. lastTileContains stores the last three calls and results to speed up performance - boolean - default false

tilesWithin(xyz, z)

Gets all tiles with tile xyz {x: , y: , z:} at zoom z.

toEllipse(lnglat, axes, crs, options)

Returns an ellipse with major and minor axes and rotation about a point. Adapted from turf.js’ ellipse function.

Function parameters

  • lnglat - {lng: lat:}
  • axes - {x: y:}
  • crs - Perhaps window.mmgisglobal.customCRS - {crs_object}
  • options - {units: 'meters', steps: 32, angle: 0}



Given a GeoJSON feature defined with meter coordinates, converts them to latitude and longitude and returns the feature.


Turns geojson into a pretty print string.


For LineStrings and MultiLineStrings adds properties.length2D metadata. For Polygons adds properties.perimeter2D and properties.area2D metadata.


Returns a generic geojson template:

    type: 'FeatureCollection',
    crs: {
        type: 'name',
        properties: { name: 'urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84' },
    features: featuresArray -- [],


Given a feature with incorrect longitude, latitude coordinate order, swaps them.


Sorts a GeoJSON’s features such that when rendering, points draw on top of lines and lines draw on top of polygons. Ensures features are clickable.


getColorFromRangeByPercent(colors, percent, asRGBString)

Gets a color along a gradient

Function parameters

  • colors - Evenly spaced rgb: [ [r,g,b], [r,g,b], [r,g,b] ]
  • percent - Is 0 to 1
  • asRGBSting - If true, returns rgb(r,g,b) instead of [r,g,b]


Converts a hex color to rgb {r: , g: , b: }

hexToRGBA(hex, a)

Converts a hex color and alpha to rgba {r: , g: , b: , a: }


Turns an integer into a hex color. 0 = #000000 and 16777215 = #FFFFFF. (16777215 == 16^6 - 1)


Checks whether a given string is a valid css color.

makeColorGrid(x, y)

Makes a grid of gradient colors x rows by y columns.


Converts an rgb() or rgba() string to a hex color.


Turns an rgba {r: , g: , b: , a: } into a float32 value by [8 red bits][8 green bits][8 blue bits][8 alpha bits].

rgbObjToStr(rgb, hasAlpha)

Converts an rgb or rgba object {r: , g: , b: , a: } into an rgb or rgba string rgba().


Turns an rgb or rgba string rgba() into an array [r,g,b,a].


Given a valid color string, return a hex color.


mmgisAPI.utils.stringToColor("red"); // => '#91b801'


Returns true if stringToTest is a valid css color string.



Copies input to user’s clipboard.


Converts CSV into an array of objects.

downloadArrayAsCSV(headers, array, exportName)

Downloads a header and a 2D array as a CSV.

Function parameters

  • headers - ['x','y','z']
  • array - [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],...]
  • exportName - Name of file to be exported. Without .csv extension.

downloadCanvas(canvasId, name, callback)

Given the HTML Id of a canvas element, downloads it.

downloadObject(exportObj, exportName, exportExt)

Exports a JSON object. .geojson and .json exportExts will attempt to pretty-print the object while keeping individual features contained to a single line.



Alphabetically sort an array of objects by some specific key property.


Returns a 256 x 256 pixel blank png in base64.


Gets the user’s current browser.

getTextShadowString(color, opacity, weight)

Mocks a text border for use with the text-shadow css property. Weight can be no more than 2.

getTimeStartsBetweenTimestamps(startTime, endTime, unit)

Returns an array of timestamps between startTime and endTime timestamps that fall along the unit.


mmgisAPI.utils.getTimeStartsBetweenTimestamps(0, 10000000, "day");
/* =>
    { "ts": 0, "label": 1 },
    { "ts": 86400000, "label": 2 }

isInZoomRange(minZoom, maxZoom, zoom)

A simple function to check whether we’re inside a zoom range.

mod(n, m)

A mod that works with negatives. A true modulo and not just a remainder.

range(a, b)

Returns an array of ints from a to b inclusively.


Returns MMGIS to the root page.


Returns MMGIS to the root page and forces it to stay. In cases of a single mission, MMGIS would otherwise directly navigate to it.