
Installing with Docker

/ will always refer to the repo’s root directory

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone

  2. From within /
    npm install


To build the Docker image, run: docker build -t <image tag> .

Alternatively you can use a prebuilt image from github here.



  • Copy /sample.env to .env
    cp sample.env .env
  • Open .env and update the following:


    From the install example:

  • Set all the ENV variables in .env. More information about the ENVs can be found here.
    • If using the postgis/postgres image from within the docker-compose.yml, set the ENV DB_NAME to the name of the service (in this case db)


This repo contains a /docker-compose.sample.yml file that defines a service for the application and a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS installed

  • Copy this file to a docker-compose.yml.
  • In the db service in docker-compose.yml, set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable and use this for MMGIS’s DB_PASS ENV value.
  • Fill out the other environment variables within the docker-compose.yml as well.
  • To run MMGIS in a container, you need to create a directory on the host machine and map this to a directory in the container.
    • On the host machine, create a Missions directory and copy the contents of ./Missions to your directory.
    • Via the docker-compose.yml, map this directory to /usr/src/app/Missions in the container. For example, if the host directory is ./Missions, the volume mapping would be - ./Missions:/usr/src/app/Missions
  • Note, the /docker-compose.sample.yml includes optional STAC and TiTiler services. If any of them are unwanted, they can be removed from the docker-compose-yml and their respective .env variable WITH_{service} can be set to false.


Run: docker-compose up -d

First Time UI Setup

  1. Setup the admin account:

    • In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8888/configure
    • Sign up for an Administrator account (The Administrator account is always the first user in the database and you are only prompted to create an Administrator account if there are no other users)
  2. Now sign in with you Administrator credentials

  3. Click NEW MISSION
    Enter a new mission name and click MAKE MISSION
    Optional: (Use the mission name "Test" (case-sensitive) to make the sample mission)

Navigate to http://localhost:8888.

See the configuration documentation for more information on how to use the configure page to customize and add data to MMGIS.

Installing Without Docker

System Requirements

  1. Install the latest version of Node.js v20.11.1+.

  2. Install PostgreSQL v16+. Detailed install instructions for all platforms.
  3. Install PostGIS 3+. From the above install, you can use the ‘Application Stack Builder’ to install PostGIS or the default PostGIS install instructions for all platforms.
  4. Make a new PostgreSQL database and remember the user, password and database name. Use ‘psql’ or the ‘SQL Shell’ to log into Postgres. It will prompt you for the username and password made during the install.

Python Environment

  1. Install micromamba 2+


    1. In powershell run:
      Invoke-Expression ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
    2. Initialize the shell with:
      micromamba shell init --shell cmd.exe --root-prefix=your\path\to\mamba
    3. In a command window in the MMGIS root directory run:
      micromamba env create -y --name mmgis --file=python-environment.yml
      • If you encounter an error like: ..\mamba\condabin\micromamba"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., then copy the mamba.bat file in that directory to micromamba.bat
    4. Confirm the installation and initialization went well with:
      micromamba run -n mmgis gdalinfo --version
    5. Activate the environment before running npm start
      micromamba activate mmgis

      Legacy (without micromamba):

      • GDAL 3.4+ with Python bindings (Windows users may find these helpful)
      • Python >=3.10 and <3.13
      • From root MMGIS directory: python -m pip install -r python-requirements.txt
      • Ensure your PROJ_LIB system ENV points to the proj.db install through python.
      • Note: MMGIS expects and uses the command python only and not python3 or variations.


/ will always refer to the repo’s root directory

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone

  2. From within /
    npm install

  3. Copy /sample.env to .env
    cp sample.env .env

  4. Open .env and update the following:


    From the install example:

  5. Run npm run build to bundle up the code (first time or if there are any changes)

  6. Go into /configure and run npm install followed by npm run build to build the beta configuration site.

  7. Go back to the root / directory

  8. Run micromamba activate mmgis or python -m pip install -r python-requirements.txt (if not using python environments)

  9. If using adjacent-servers (titiler, stac, …) make .env files from the samples within the /adjacent-servers/{servers}/ directory.

  10. Run npm run start:prod

  11. Setup the admin account:

    • In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8888/configure
    • Sign up for an Administrator account (The Administrator account is always the first user in the database and you are only prompted to create an Administrator account if there are no other users)
  12. Now sign in with you Administrator credentials

  13. Click NEW MISSION
    Enter a new mission name and click MAKE MISSION
    (Use the mission name "Test" (case-sensitive) to make the sample mission)

Go to http://localhost:8888 to see the Test mission

Note: The development environment (npm start) and only the development environment uses two port numbers 8888 and 8889 (by default) — the latter for the main site and the former for the ancillary pages (such as /configure and /docs)



  1. Run npm run build to bundle up the code (first time or if there are any changes)

  2. Run npm run start:prod


  1. Run npm start


  1. Run npm run test
    Note: Jest has just been added in v2.0.0 and test suites are still very limited