Initial Tab
Values that describe the initial state of MMGIS on page load.
Mission Name and Folder
Renames the mission and it’s mission folder. disabled
Initial Site
If an initial site code is specified, the regular initial view location and visible layers will be overridden by those of the site. The sites and site codes must be configured within the tools tab and the Sites Tool must be enable beforehand.
Initial Latitude
The starting latitude value in decimal degrees.
Initial Longitude
The starting longitude in decimal degrees.
Initial Zoom
The starting zoom in zoom level.
Planet Radius Major
Meters from the planet’s center to it’s equator
Planet Radius Minor
Meters from the planet’s center to a pole
Zoom Level of Map Scale
An integer to be the default map zoom level. This is not the initial zoom but rather a preferred zoom level that functions will default to if they can’t determine an ideal zoom themselves. Setting this value also adds a button above the scale bar to quickly zoom to it.