Environment Variables

Environment variables are set within MMGIS/.env. A sample file MMGIS/sample.env is provided. On startup, erroneous .env setups are logged.

Required Variables


The kind of server running (apache is deprecated) string enum default ''
  • node: A node express server running NodeJS v20.11.1+
  • apache (deprecated): Served through Apache. Some or all functionality may not work


The kind of authentication method used string enum default ''
  • off: No authentication. Users cannot sign up or log in. Tools that require log in will not work.
  • none: No authentication. Users can still sign up and log in from within MMGIS.
  • local: Anyone without credentials is blocked. The Admin must log in, create accounts and pass out the credentials.
  • csso: Use a Cloud Single Sign On service that’s proxied in front of MMGIS.


Instance type string enum default production
  • production:
  • development: Shows configure and documentation links on the landing page for convenience


Some random string string default null


URL of Postgres database string default null


Port for Postgres database string default null


Name of Postgres database string default null


User of Postgres database string default null


Password of Postgres database string default null

Optional Variables


Port to run on positive integer default 8888


If true, MMGIS will use an https server with the, now required, HTTPS_KEY and HTTPS_CERT envs. If false, use a wrapping https proxy server instead and block PORT from being public boolean false


Relative path to key. If using docker, make sure the key is mounted. Everything under ‘./ssl/’ is gitignored and ‘./ssl/’ is mounted into docker.


Relative path to cert. If using docker, make sure the cert is mounted. Everything under ‘./ssl/’ is gitignored and ‘./ssl/’ is mounted into docker.


Max number connections in the database’s pool. CPUs * 4 is a good number integer default 10


How many milliseconds until a DB connection times out integer default 30000 (30 sec)


How many milliseconds for an incoming connection to wait for a DB connection before getting kicked away integer default 10000 (10 sec)


A list of CSSO LDAP groups that have access string[] default []


Potentially logs a bunch of extra stuff for development purposes bool default false


Sets the Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors header to allow the embedding of MMGIS in the specified external sites string[] default null ex. FRAME_ANCESTORS=’[“http://localhost:8888”]’


Sets the Content-Security-Policy: frame-src header to allow the embedding iframes from external origins into MMGIS string[] default null ex. FRAME_SRC=’[“http://localhost:8888”]’


Sets “SameSite=None; Secure” on the login cookie. Useful when using AUTH=local as an iframe within a cross-origin page. boolean default false


Set MMGIS to be deployed under a subpath. For example if serving at the subpath ‘https://{domain}/path/where/I/serve/mmgis’ is desired, set ROOT_PATH=/path/where/I/serve/mmgis. Should always begin with a /. If no subpath, leave blank. string default ""


Tell MMGIS that it’s already deployed under a subpath. For example if already proxying to the subpath ‘https://{domain}/path/where/I/serve/mmgis’ is desired, set ROOT_PATH=/path/where/I/serve/mmgis. This differs from ROOT_PATH in that MMGIS will not place any of it’s endpoints under this path but will still query as if it did. Should always begin with a /. If ROOT_PATH is also set, requests will use EXTERNAL_ROOT_PATH + ROOT_PATH. If no external subpath, leave blank. string default ""


Overrides ROOT_PATH’s use when the client connects via websocket. Websocket url: ${ws_protocol}://${window.location.host}${WEBSOCKET_ROOT_PATH || ROOT_PATH || ''}/ string default ""


Sets a clearance for the website string default CL##-####
Initial HTML page title. When sharing a link to MMGIS in an application that supports link previews, the title to be used string default MMGIS
Initial HTML page description. When sharing a link to MMGIS in an application that supports link previews, the description to be used string default A web-based mapping and localization solution for science operation on planetary missions.
If true, users that use the ‘Copy Link’ feature will receive a full-length deep link. Writing new short links will be disabled but expanding existing ones will still work. bool default false


Make the configure page inaccessible to everyone bool default false


The path to a json config file that acts as the only configured mission for the instance string default ''


When not using AUTH=csso, this is a list of usernames to be treated as leads (users with elevated permissions) string[] default []


LDAP group of leads (users with elevated permissions) string default ''


If true, enables the backend MMGIS websockets to tell clients to update layers boolean default false


If true, notifications are sent to /configure users whenever the current mission’s configuration object changes out from under them and thne puts (overridable) limits on saving boolean default false


For use when ENABLE_CONFIG_WEBSOCKETS=true (if ENABLE_CONFIG_WEBSOCKETS=false, all saves will freely overwrite already). If true, gives /configure users the ability to override changes made to the configuration while they were working on it with their own. boolean default false


If the new MAIN_MISSION ENV is set to a valid mission, skip the landing page and go straight to that mission. Other missions will still be accessible by either forcing the landing page (clicking the top-left M logo) or by going to a link directly. string default ''


If true, MMGIS will not auto-login returning users. This can be useful when login is managed someplace else. The initial login process can be manually triggered with mmgisAPI.initialLogin() boolean default false


If true at build-time, JavaScript source maps will also be built boolean default false


If true, then at every other midnight, MMGIS will read /Missions/spice-kernels-conf.json and re/download all the specified kernels. See /Missions/spice-kernels-conf.example.json boolean default false


If true, then also triggers the kernel download when MMGIS starts boolean default false


A cron schedule expression for use in the node-schedule npm library string default "0 0 */2 * *" (every other day)


When using composited time tiles, MMGIS queries the tileset’s folder for existing time folders. It caches the results of the these folder listings every COMPOSITE_TILE_DIR_STORE_MAX_AGE_MS milliseconds. Defaults to requerying every 30 minutes. If 0, no caching. If null or NaN, uses default. number default 1800000

Adjacent Servers

Enables and proxies to other self-hosted services. Additional setup may be required.


STAC Catalogs - https://github.com/stac-utils/stac-fastapi-pgstac default false


Port to proxy stac on default 8881


TiTiler PG Vectors - https://github.com/developmentseed/tipg default false


Port to ruproxyn tipg on default 8882


TiTiler - https://developmentseed.org/titiler default false


Port to proxy titiler on default 8883


TiTiler Mosaicking - https://github.com/stac-utils/titiler-pgstac default false


Port to proxy titiler-pgstac on default 8884


Veloserver - Velocity and Wind Data Visualization Server - https://github.com/NASA-AMMOS/Veloserver default false


Port to proxy veloserver on default 8104