- The Kind of layer a layer is describes what happens when a feature of that layer is clicked on.
- Internally, Kinds are treated as quasi-tools. Instead of adding a Tool to a mission, you add a Kind to a layer.
By default and if available, the clicked feature highlights, sends its metadata to the Info Tool and gets briefly described in the top bar. All Kinds have this behavior by default as well.
Works just like the None Kind but automatically opens the Info Tool too (if it’s on and included).
This Kind is very specific to the Curiosity Rover and only works on point features. It takes hardcoded rover dimensions, public/images/rovers/CuriosityTopDownOrthoSmall.png
and the geojson feature property yaw_rad
to orient a to scale Curiosity Rover image under the clicked point.
The Waypoint Kind only applies to point features and uses the markerAttachments.image
and markerAttachments.model
layer raw variables. When show
is set to “click” (or undefined), clicking on a point will draw an image in the Map and a model in the Globe. Both image and model can be set, scaled and rotated dynamically. The Waypoint Kind is specifically useful for rover images and models. See Vector Layer Raw Variables for more information about the image and model marker attachments.
markerAttachments: {
image: {
initialVisibility: true,
initialOpacity: 1,
path: "url to top-down ortho image. ex. public/images/rovers/PerseveranceTopDown.png",
pathProp: "path to image. take priority over path",
widthMeters: 2.6924,
widthPixels: 420,
heightPixels: 600,
angleProp: "",
angleUnit: "deg || rad",
show: "click || always",
model: {
path: "path to mode (.dae, .glb, .gltf, .obj)",
pathProp: "path to model. take priority over path",
mtlPath: "if .obj, path to material file (.mtl)",
yawProp: "",
yawUnit: "deg || rad",
invertYaw: false,
pitchProp: "",
pitchUnit: "deg || rad",
invertPitch: true,
rollProp: "",
rollUnit: "deg || rad",
invertRoll: false,
elevationProp: "",
scaleProp: "",
show: "click || always",
Chemistry Tool
This Kind is used for the Chemistry Tool. Because chemistry data can be big and it’s advise to link to it via a dataset, this Kind waits
Draw Tool
Uses a read only version of the Draw Tool’s edit panel and forces the Info Tool open. The main use case for this is to be used with the published Draw Tool layer (setting the vector layer’s URL to api:publishedall