Configure REST API

Enables programmatic control over configuration endpoints.

Root path: /api/configure


API Tokens

To use the Configure API through HTTP requests, an API Token must be used for authentication.

  1. Login to the configuration page /configure
  2. Navigate to the “API Tokens” page
  3. Set a name and expiration time if desired and click “Generate New Token”
  4. Copy the newly generated token (you will not see it in full again)
  5. When interacting with the Configure API, use the header Authorization:Bearer <token>


GET /missions

Gets a list of all configured missions. Auth token not needed.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
full boolean false N/A If true, returns versions and configuration objects alongside mission names


curl -X GET http://localhost:8889/api/configure/missions

=> {status: "success", missions: ["Mission1", "Mission2"]}

curl -X GET http://localhost:8889/api/configure/missions?full=true

=> {
  status: "success",
  missions: [
      mission: "name", version: 99, config: {}

GET /versions

Gets a list of available versions of a mission’s configuration object.


curl -X GET -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" http://localhost:8889/api/configure/versions?mission=Test

GET /get

Gets a mission’s configuration object. Auth token not needed.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
version number false latest Version of configuration
full boolean false false Return additional metadata and status


curl -X GET http://localhost:8889/api/configure/get?mission=Test

POST /validate

Validates a configuration object and performs no other action.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
config object false N/A Full configuration object


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"config":{}}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/validate

POST /upsert

Sets a mission’s configuration object. Only complete configuration objects are acceptable and it must pass the internal validation of this endpoint to successfully be upserted. If an easier-to-use method is desired for updated a mission’s configuration object, see the other endpoints below.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
config object false N/A Full configuration object
version number false N/A Set a configuration version number to rollback to instead


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mission":"Test", "config":{}}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/upsert

POST /addLayer

Adds a single layer to a mission’s configuration object. A wrapping helper to upsert.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
layer object or array true N/A Full new layer configuration object or array of full new layer configuration objects. See browser console-network tab responses for examples.
placement.path string false ’’ A path to a header in ‘layers’ to place the new layer. A simple path (‘sublayers’ are added). Defaults to no group
placement.index number false end Index in ‘layers’ (or path) to place the new layer. Out of range placement indices are best fit.
forceClientUpdate boolean false false Push the change out to clients.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mission":"Test", "layer":{"name":"", "type":""}}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/addLayer

POST /updateLayer

Updates a single layer. Specified layer values are deep merged and overwrite existing values. Layers can be renamed and repositioned.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
layerUUID string true N/A Layer to update
layer object true N/A A partial layer configuration object. See browser console-network tab responses for examples.
placement.path string false ’’ A path to a header in ‘layers’ to place the new layer. A simple path (‘sublayers’ are added). Defaults to no group
placement.index number false end Index in ‘layers’ (or path) to place the new layer. Out of range placement indices are best fit.
forceClientUpdate boolean false false Push the change out to clients.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mission":"Test", "layerUUID":"uuid", "layer":{}}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/updateLayer

POST /removeLayer

Removes a single layer from the configuration object.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
layerUUID string or array true N/A Layer to remove as string or array of layers as string to remove
forceClientUpdate boolean false false Push the change out to clients.


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mission":"Test", "layerUUID":"name"}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/removeLayer

POST /updateInitialView

Updates the initial latitude, longitude, zoom of the map when users first arrive to the site.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
mission string true N/A Mission name
latitude number false existing Map latitude center coordinate
longitude number false existing Map Longitude center coordinate
zoom number false existing Map zoom level


curl -X POST -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"mission":"Test", "zoom":12}' http://localhost:8889/api/configure/updateInitialView


While /add, /clone and /destroy (for adding and removing missions) are also available configuration endpoints, it’s recommended that these be done manually.