JavaScript API

The src/essence/mmgisAPI/mmgisAPI.js file exposes functions that can be called using the global window.mmgisAPI object.


Layer Control

addLayer(layerObj, placement)

Adds a layer to the map. This adds a layer to client as if it were coming from the configuration. This layer becomes accessible via the LayersTool and well as on the globe. This does not add the layer to the mission’s configuration.

For a more “temporary” layer, use Leaflet directly through L.{leafletLayer}.addTo( See here for reference on how to construct Leafletjs layers.

Function parameters

  • layerObj - the full mmgis layer object configuration (GET http://localhost:8889/api/configure/get?mission={mission} to get sample layer objects from the existing configuration). At minimum and layerObj.type are required.
    • - A unique name/uuid for the layer
    • layerObj.type - One of the support MMGIS layer types: data, header, model, query, tile, or vector
  • placement - optionaL - Where in the list/tree to add this layer relative to other layers.
    • placement.path - A path to a header in ‘layers’ to place the new layer. A simple path (‘sublayers’ are added). Defaults to no group. Use a dot-notated string for nestings.
    • placement.index - Index in ‘layers’ (or path) to place the new layer. Out of range placement indices are best fit.

Returns a Promise when the layer is added and loaded.

The following is an example of how to call the addLayer function:

window.mmgisAPI.addLayer({ name: "Sample Header", type: "header" }).then(() => {
  console.log("added and loaded");

      name: "New Waypoints",
      kind: "waypoint",
      shape: "none",
      type: "vector",
      url: "Layers/Waypoints/waypoints.json",
      demparser: "",
      controlled: false,
      layer3dType: "clamped",
        "### Overview\n\nIure iure quas doloremque sequi pariatur repudiandae. Provident similique in illum deleniti qui consequuntur iste aut. Quia accusamus dolorem beatae et aut.\n\nVero cum ullam cumque optio laborum. Qui corporis incidunt accusamus voluptatem. Quam eos et expedita. Quidem et velit fuga et delectus veniam.\n\n- Vel ex voluptatem dicta\n- Dolor et itaque quidem\n- Vero cum ullam cumque [optio laborum](\n\nDolor et itaque quidem. Dolorem ut nemo porro rerum. Rerum voluptas quo sit velit voluptatibus perspiciatis ipsum. Vel ex voluptatem dicta. Et porro harum maiores. Quae consequatur exercitationem numquam.\n",
      tags: ["rover", "science", "telem:45B", "location"],
      legend: "Layers/Waypoints/legend.csv",
      visibility: true,
      initialOpacity: 1,
      togglesWithHeader: true,
      style: {
        className: "waypoints",
        color: "#FFF",
        fillColor: "#000",
        weight: 2,
        fillOpacity: 1,
        opacity: 1,
      variables: {
        useKeyAsName: "sol_site_p",
        layerAttachments: {
          labels: {
            initialVisibility: false,
            theme: "default",
            size: "large",
        markerAttachments: {
          bearing: {
            angleProp: "yaw_rad",
            angleUnit: "rad",
            color: "#FFFFFF",
        search: "(sol_site_p)",
      radius: 8,
      time: {
        enabled: false,
        type: "requery",
        isRelative: true,
        current: "2023-02-07T17:58:53Z",
        start: "",
        end: "",
        startProp: "",
        endProp: "",
        format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",
        compositeTile: false,
        refresh: "1 hours",
        increment: "5 minutes",
      uuid: "7f6396c3-eef1-401a-9e99-790ed102efff",
    { path: "Features", index: 0 }
  .then(() => {
  .catch((errMsg) => {


Removes a layer from the map.

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - The name/uuid of the layer to remove.

Returns true if found and removed, otherwise false

The following is an example of how to call the removeLayer function:

window.mmgisAPI.removeLayer("Sample Header"); // => true


This function clears an existing vector layer with a specified name

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to clear

The following is an example of how to call the clearVectorLayer function:


updateVectorLayer(layerUUID, inputData)

This function updates an existing vector layer with a specified name and valid GeoJSON data

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • inputData - valid GeoJSON data
  • keepN - number of features to keep. A value less than or equal to 0 keeps all previous features

Returns false if the layer could not be updated (either some parameters are wrong or that layer is already is the midst of being loaded).

The following is an example of how to call the updateVectorLayer function:

    type: "Feature",
    properties: {
      sol: 690,
      site: 39,
      pos: 726,
      SCLK_START: 458746227.91,
      SCLK_END: 458748923.8,
    geometry: {
      type: "Point",
      coordinates: [137.38361, -4.658036, -4461.908691],

trimVectorLayerKeepBeforeTime(layerUUID, keepBeforeTime, timePropPath)

This function removes features on a specified layer after a specified time

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • keepBeforeTime - absolute time in the format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ; will keep all features before this time
  • timePropPath - name of time property to compare with the time specified by keepAfterTime

The following is an example of how to call the trimVectorLayerKeepBeforeTime function:


trimVectorLayerKeepAfterTime(layerUUID, keepAfterTime, timePropPath)

This function removes features on a specified layer before a specified time

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • keepAfterTime - absolute time in the format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ; will keep all features after this time
  • timePropPath - name of time property to compare with the time specified by keepAfterTime

The following is an example of how to call the trimVectorLayerKeepAfterTime function:


keepFirstN(layerUUID, keepLastN)

This function removes features on a specified layer starting from the tail of of the features list to keep the specified number of existing features. This function is not aware of time and will only keep the previous N number of features based on the order the features were added to the layer.

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • keepFirstN - number of features to keep from the beginning of the features list. A value less than or equal to 0 keeps all previous features

The following is an example of how to call the keepFirstN function:

window.mmgisAPI.keepFirstN("Waypoints", 2);

keepLastN(layerUUID, keepLastN)

This function removes features on a specified layer starting from the beginning of the features list to keep the specified number of existing features. This function is not aware of time and will only keep the previous N number of features based on the order the features were added to the layer.

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • keepLastN - number of features to keep from the tail end of the features list. A value less than or equal to 0 keeps all previous features

The following is an example of how to call the keepLastN function:

window.mmgisAPI.keepLastN("Waypoints", 2);

trimLineString(layerUUID, time, timeProp, trimN, startOrEnd)

This function is used to trim a specified number of vertices on a specified layer containing GeoJson LineString features. This makes the following assumptions:

  • If trimming from the beginning of the layer, the time in the time parameter must be after the start time of the first feature in the layer
  • If trimming from the end of the layer, the time in the time parameter must be before the end time of the last feature in the layer

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • time - absolute time in the format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ; represents start time if trimming from the beginning, otherwise represents the end time
  • timeProp - key representing the time property to be updated in the layer
  • trimN - number of vertices to trim
  • startOrEnd - direction to trim from; value can only be one of the following options: start, end

The following are examples of how to call the trimLineString function:


appendLineString(layerUUID, inputData, timeProp)

This function appends input data with a GeoJson Feature that contains a LineString. The LineString vertices from the input data is appended as vertices to the last Feature in the layer. The input data should also contain a property with timeProp as the key, representing the new end time for the updated data.

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to update
  • inputData - GeoJson data containing a single Feature containing a LineString
  • timeProp - key representing the time property to be updated in the layer

The following is an example of how to call the appendLineString function:

    type: "Feature",
    properties: {
      name: 2,
      Length_m: 0,
      COLOR: 0,
      route: 0,
      start_time: "2021-12-01T15:10:00.000Z",
      end_time: "2021-12-01T15:20:00.000Z",
    geometry: {
      type: "LineString",
      coordinates: [
        [145.862136, -73.208439],
        [135.063782, -71.898251],
        [130.828697, -75.540527],
        [122.767247, -72.658683],
        [120.133499, -75.018059],

reloadLayer(layer, evenIfOff, evenIfControlled)

This function will reload the given layer by re-fetching the data and re-drawing on the map.

Function parameters

  • layer - The layer name string or a layer object
  • evenIfOff - boolean If true, reloads the layer even if the layer is not active
  • evenIfControlled - boolean If true, reloads the layer even if it’s a “Controlled” layer

Returns false if the layer could not be updated (either some parameters are wrong or that layer is already is the midst of being loaded).

The following is an example of how to call the reloadLayer function:



If uuid is a valid uuid, it is returned. If not but it’s a valid layer Name, it will return the first corresponding uuid. If still not, returns null.

Function parameters

  • uuid - A layer UUID or layer Name

The following is an example of how to call the asLayerUUID function:

// returns 4d04b08d-4d13-4ff5-ad3c-f78e9b6425e4

// returns 4d04b08d-4d13-4ff5-ad3c-f78e9b6425e4

Time Control


This function toggles the visibility of ancillary Time Control User Interface. It is useful in situations where time functions are controlled by an external application.

Function parameters

  • visibility - Time UI is visibile if true and hidden if false

The following is an example of how to call the toggleTimeUI function:


setTime(startTime, endTime, isRelative, timeOffset, currentTime, customTimes)

This function sets the global time properties for all of MMGIS. All time enabled layers that are configured to use the Global time type will be updated by this function.

Note that layers will not be refreshed on the map until reloadTimeLayers() (or reloadLayer() for individual layers) is called.

Function parameters

  • startTime - Can be either YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ if absolute, or hh:mm:ss or seconds if relative
  • endTime - Can be either YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ if absolute, or hh:mm:ss or seconds if relative
  • isRelative - If true, startTime and endTime are relative to the current UTC time
  • timeOffset - An offset to use for the current UTC time; can be either a string in hh:mm:ss format or an integer value in seconds
  • currentTime - If set, offset is ignored and the current working time is set to this currentTime
  • customTimes - Sets an array of times of format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ to be used while replacing {customtime.0}, {customtime.1}, … in the tile or vector layer url in order to inject custom times.
    • If value is a string, puts it into the 0th index of the internal customtimes array.
    • If value is a [string], replaces the current internal customtimes array with it.
    • If value is the empty array [], clears the internal customtimes array.
    • If value is null, does not modify the existing internal customtimes array.

The following are examples of how to call the setTime function:

window.mmgisAPI.setTime("2021-05-13T01:00:00Z", "2021-05-13T07:00:00Z", false);


window.mmgisAPI.setTime("02:00:00", "00:00:00", true, "01:00:00");

window.mmgisAPI.setTime(7200, 0, true, 3600);

setLayerTime(layer, startTime, endTime)

This function sets the start and end time for a single layer. It can be used to override the global time for the layer. Note that setTime also updates the times for layers that use the Global time type.

For layers that use a single time, endTime is used (i.e., {time}=={endTime})

Note that the layer will not be refreshed on the map until reloadTimeLayers() (or reloadLayer() for individual layers) is called.

Function parameters

  • layer - The layer name string or a layer object
  • startTime - The start time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format
  • endTime - The end time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format

The following is an example of how to call the setLayerTime function:



Returns the current time on the map with offset included in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

The following is an example of how to call the getTime function:




Returns the global start time on the map with offset included in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

The following is an example of how to call the getStartTime function:




Returns the global end time on the map with offset included in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

The following is an example of how to call the getEndTime function:




Returns the start time set for an individual in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

Function parameters

  • layer - The layer name string or a layer object

The following is an example of how to call the getLayerStartTime function:




Returns the end time set for an individual in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

Function parameters

  • layer - The layer name string or a layer object

The following is an example of how to call the getLayerEndTime function:




This function will reload every layer that is time-enabled by re-fetching the data and re-drawing on the map. It should be called after setTime or setLayerTime. It will return a list of layers that were reloaded.

The following is an example of how to call the reloadTimeLayers function:

window.mmgisAPI.reloadTimeLayers()[("Lunaserv", "Earthquakes")];


This function will set the status icon color (e.g. to indicate staleness) for all global time enabled layers. It returns a list of the layers that were updated.

Function parameters

  • color - The name of a color of hex RGB value

The following is an example of how to call the reloadLayer function:

window.mmgisAPI.setLayersTimeStatus("#ff0000")[("Lunaserv", "Earthquakes")];

window.mmgisAPI.setLayersTimeStatus("green")[("Lunaserv", "Earthquakes")];

setLayerTimeStatus(layer, color)

This function will set the status icon color (e.g. to indicate staleness) for the specified time enabled layers.

Function parameters

  • layer - The layer name string or a layer object
  • color - The name of a color of hex RGB value

The following is an example of how to call the reloadLayer function:

window.mmgisAPI.setLayerTimeStatus("Earthquakes", "#ff0000");

window.mmgisAPI.setLayerTimeStatus("Earthquakes", "green");


This function will synchronize every global time enabled layer with the current global times. Similar to setTime but used internally to update values when users change values on the Time UI. Unlikely to be needed elsewhere except for potential edge cases where re-synchronization may be necessary.

The following is an example of how to call the updateLayersTime function:


Event Listeners

addEventListener(eventName, functionReference)

This function adds a map event or MMGIS action listener added using the MMGIS API. This function takes in one of the following events: onPan, onZoom, onClick, toolChange, layerVisibilityChange. The MMGIS action listener (toolChange, layerVisibilityChange, websocketChange, toggleSeparatedTool) functions are called with an event parameter.

Function parameters

  • eventName - name of event to add listener to. Available events: onPan, onZoom, onClick
  • functionReference - function reference to listener event callback function. null value removes all functions for a given eventName

The following is an example of how to call the addEventListener function:

function listener() {
  const featuresContained = window.mmgisAPI.featuresContained();
  console.log("featuresContained", featuresContained);

  const activeFeature = window.mmgisAPI.getActiveFeature();
  console.log("activeFeature", activeFeature);

window.mmgisAPI.addEventListener("onPan", listener);

function mmgisListener(event) {
  console.log("event", event);

window.mmgisAPI.addEventListener("toolChange", mmgisListener);

removeEventListener(eventName, functionReference)

This function removes a map event or MMGIS action listener added using the MMGIS API.

Function parameters

  • eventName - name of event to remove listener from. Available events: onPan, onZoom, onClick, toolChange, layerVisibilityChange
  • functionReference - function reference to listener event callback function. null value removes all functions for a given eventName

The following is an example of how to call the removeEventListener function:

function listener() {
  const featuresContained = window.mmgisAPI.featuresContained();
  console.log("featuresContained", featuresContained);

  const activeFeature = window.mmgisAPI.getActiveFeature();
  console.log("activeFeature", activeFeature);

window.mmgisAPI.removeEventListener("onPan", listener);

Map Feature Information


This is an object which exposes the Leaflet map object.

The following is an example of how to call the map object:;


This function returns an array of all features in the current map view. The return value is an object containing layer names as keys and values as arrays with all features (as GeoJson Feature objects) contained in the current map view

The following is an example of how to call the featuresContained function:



This function returns the currently active feature (i.e. feature thats clicked and displayed in the InfoTool). The return value is the currently selected active feature as an object with the layer name as key and value as an array containing the GeoJson Feature object (MMGIS only allows the section of a single feature).

The following is an example of how to call the getActiveFeature function:


selectFeature(layerUUID, options)

This function selects a vector layer feature. It supports selections either from:

  • A longitude, latitude pair
  • A key:value pair to match on (selects first found match)
  • A leaflet layerId

Function Parameters

  • layerUUID - string - UUID or Name of the vector layer to select a feature in.
  • options - {}
    • layerId - (optional) - A leaflet layer id
    • lon - (optional) - Longitude - needs lat set
    • lat - (optional) - Latitude - needs lon set
    • key - (optional) - Feature properties key. Use dot-notation to choose nested keys. (‘’) - needs value set
    • value - (optional) - Value to match key - needs key set
    • view - (optional) - If value is "go" pans and zooms to the feature
    • zoom - (optional) - If set, this is the zoom level view will go to.

The following is an example of how to call the selectFeature function:

window.mmgisAPI.selectFeature("3343d4f5-12a6-4849-910c-3fa6f09aeef3", {
  layerId: 600,

window.mmgisAPI.selectFeature("Waypoints", { lon: 137, lat: -4 });

window.mmgisAPI.selectFeature("Waypoints", {
  key: "sol",
  value: 1159,
  view: "go",
  zoom: 14,


This function returns an object with the visibility state of all layers

The following is an example of how to call the getVisibleLayers function:



This function returns all the configuration set Leaflet Map layers. If a layer has not yet been loaded, its value with be false.

The following is an example of how to call the getLayers function:



This function returns all the layer configuration objects.

Function parameters

  • match - (optional) a single depth key-value object to filter returned layers. If not set, all layer configurations will be returned. Can use dot-notation to access paths. If matching on arrays, uses Array.includes(value). Key matches are ORed together.

The following is an example of how to call the getLayersConfigs function:

// => { Layer1: {...}, Layer2: {...}}

window.mmgisAPI.getLayerConfigs({ name: "Layer2" });
// => { Layer2: {..., name: "Layer2"}}

window.mmgisAPI.getLayerConfigs({ "style.color": "brown" });
// => { Layer1: {..., style: {..., color: "brown"}}}

toggleLayer(layerUUID, on)

This function sets the visibility state for a named layer

Function parameters

  • layerUUID - name of layer to toggle visibility
  • on - (optional) Set true if the visibility should be on or false if visibility should be off. If not set, the current visibility state will switch to the opposite state.

The following is an example of how to call the toggleLayer function:

# Set 'Layer 1' to be visible
window.mmgisAPI.toggleLayer('Layer 1', true)

# Toggle the visibility state of 'Layer 1'
window.mmgisAPI.toggleLayer('Layer 1')

Miscellaneous Features


This function writes out the current view as a URL. This programmatically returns the long form of the ‘Copy Link’ feature and does not save a short URL to the database.

The following is an example of how to call the writeCoordinateURL function:



This function calls the callback function once MMGIS has finished loading.

  • onLoadCallback - callback function that is called when MMGIS has finished loading

The following is an example of how to call the onLoaded function:

window.mmgisAPI.onLoaded(() => {
  // Add listener with MMGIS API now that MMGIS has finished loading
  function listener() {
    const featuresContained = window.mmgisAPI.featuresContained();
    console.log("featuresContained", featuresContained);

    const activeFeature = window.mmgisAPI.getActiveFeature();
    console.log("activeFeature", activeFeature);

  window.mmgisAPI.addEventListener("onPan", listener);


This function returns an object with the currently active tool and the name of the active tool.

The following is an example of how to call the getActiveTool function:



This function returns an object with the currently active tool and the name of the active tool in addition to any active separated tools (such as the Identifier and Legend Tools).

The following is an example of how to call the getActiveTools function:

/* returns (example)
  activeToolNames: ['InfoTool', 'LegendTool', 'IdentifierTool']
  activeTools: [
    {activeTool: {…}, activeToolName: 'InfoTool'},
    {activeTool: {…}, activeToolName: 'LegendTool'},
    {activeTool: {…}, activeToolName: 'IdentifierTool'}


Performs the initial login call to relogin returning users. Pairable with the ENV SKIP_CLIENT_INITIAL_LOGIN=.

The following is an example of how to call the initialLogin function:



This function convert a Longitude, Latitude object into X, Y (i.e. Easting, Northing) coordinates. It uses the map’s base projection and the proj4 library to perform the transformation.

Custom map projections can be set in the Configuration page’s Projection tab. Otherwise, the default proj4 string is +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a={radiusOfPlanetMajor} +b={F_.radiusOfPlanetMinor} +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

The following is an example of how to call the project function:

window.mmgisAPI.project({ lng: 137, lat: -4 });
// returns {x: 8120633.560692952, y: -237291.62355915268}


This function is the inverse of the project function. It takes in a X, Y object and returns a Longitude, Latitude.

The following is an example of how to call the unproject function:

window.mmgisAPI.unproject({ x: 8120633.560692952, y: -237291.62355915268 });
// returns {lat: -4.000000000000019, lng: 137}


This function can be used to overwrite the contents displayed in the LegendTool. This can be useful when used with the toolChange event listener in the mmgisAPI.

Function parameters

  • legends - An array of objects, where each object must contain the following keys: legend, layerUUID, display*name, opacity. The value for the legend key should be in the same format as what is stored in the layers data under the _legend key (i.e. L*[layerName].\_legend). layerUUID and display_name should be strings and opacity should be a number between 0 and 1.

The following is an example of how to call the overwriteLegends function:

const legends = [
    color: "#00e400",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "0 - 54",
    color: "#ffff00",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "54 - 154",
    color: "#ff7e00",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "154 - 254",
    color: "#8f3f97",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "254 - 354",
    color: "#8f3f97",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "354 - 424",
    color: "#7e0023",
    strokecolor: "#000000",
    shape: "continuous",
    value: "> 424",
