Adjacent Servers

Version 4.0.0+ adds support for the following adjacent services:

All adjacent services are proxied through MMGIS and endpoints that perform writes are locked behind MMGIS’ authentication.

  • https://{mmgis-domain}/stac
  • https://{mmgis-domain}/tipg
  • https://{mmgis-domain}/titiler
  • https://{mmgis-domain}/titilerpgstac
  • https://{mmgis-domain}/veloserver

Upgrading Python and Installing the Adjacent Services

If using docker, this is unneeded.

  1. Make sure you are using python >=3.10 to <3.13 (3.13 is not supported).
  2. In the root MMGIS directory /, run python -m pip install -r python-requirements.txt

Setting the Adjacent Server ENVs

With Docker

  1. Fill out the POSTGRES_* environment variables in and use docker-compose.sample.yml
  2. Unused services within the docker-compose.yml can be safely removed.

Without Docker

  1. Copy /adjacent-servers/stac/.env.example to /adjacent-servers/stac/.env and fill out the POSTGRES_* environment variables.
  2. Copy /adjacent-servers/tipg/.env.example to /adjacent-servers/tipg/.env and fill out the POSTGRES_* environment variables.
  3. Copy /adjacent-servers/titiler/.env.example to /adjacent-servers/titiler/.env.
  4. Copy /adjacent-servers/titiler-pgstac/.env.example to /adjacent-servers/titiler-pgstac/.env and fill out the POSTGRES_* environment variables.
  5. Make sure your system PROJ_LIB environment variable is pointed to the installation of proj within the python version in use. For example, my local machine’s installation is located at .../Programs/Python/Python312/Lib/site-packages/pyproj/proj_dir/share/proj.

Setting MMGIS ENVs

To finally enable the proxying to services, enable the following MMGIS ENVs in your .env:

  • WITH_STAC=true
  • WITH_TIPG=true

Note: The STAC, TITILER and TITILER_PGSTAC services being enabled activates certain features within MMGIS. The other services can be setup independently if desired.