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Know Before you Contribute

Before you begin contributing to our project, it'll be a good idea to ensure you've satisfied the below pre-requisites.


Our project has our licensing terms, including rules governing redistribution, documented in our LICENSE file. Please take a look at that file and ensure you understand the terms. This will impact how we, or others, use your contributions.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct helps facilitate a positive interaction environment for everyone involved with the team, and provides guidance on what to do if you experience problematic behavior. Read more in our, and make sure you agree to its terms.

Developer Environment

For patch contributions, see our Developer Documentation (TBD) for more details on how to set up your local environment, to best contribute to our project.

At a minimum however to submit patches (if using Git), you'll want to ensure you have:

  1. An account on the Version Control System our project uses (i.e. GitHub).
  2. The Version Control System client (i.e. Git) installed on your local machine.
  3. The ability to edit, build, and test our project on your local machine. Again, see our or detailed developer guide for more details

Communication Channels

Before contributing changes to our project, it's a great idea to be familiar with our communication channels and to socialize your potential contributions to get feedback early. This will help give you context for your contributions, no matter their form.

Our communication channels are:

  • Issue tracking system - a regularly monitored area to report issues with our software or propose changes
  • Discussion board - an permanently archived place to hold conversations related to our project, and to propose as well as show+tell topics to the contributor team. This resource can be searched for old discussions.