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SLIM is a joint, community-based effort at collective software process improvements. Therefore, we need your help! Here's the basics on contributing:

  • Anyone can contribute!
  • You can contribute at any time
  • You can contribute in any way (code, documentation, discussion topics, issue ticket discussions, etc.)

We plan out our work into fiscal quarters (i.e. Oct - Dec as Q1, Jan - Mar as Q2, etc.). This helps our stakeholders (the folks using our process improvements) plan to incorporate process improvements better into their schedules. See our Planning Board for our most up-to-date plan. Generally speaking, we try to get together with our stakeholders and our community contributors at the start of every fiscal quarter to plan out what we should work on. That being said, since we're an open source project, we also accept and encourage ad-hoc contributions at any time - just note it may take some time to review / decide whether to incorporate.