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Getting Started

LithoSphere is accessible via the Node.js package manager npm (recommended) as well as an old-school JavaScript module.


  1. To install LithoSphere via npm, simply run:

     npm install lithosphere
  2. Then, at the top of your script, import it like so:

     import LithoSphere from 'lithosphere'
  3. Then invoke LithoSphere with:

     const Litho = new LithoSphere(yourHtmlContainerId, yourOptionsObject)
     // Litho.addLayer(type, layerOptions)

Old-School Alternative

If you’re not using npm just yet, that’s okay, we support you too.

  1. Within the LithoSphere GitHub repository, navigate to /public/dist and copy lithosphere.js into your project.

  2. Add the following script tag to your HTML before you intend to invoke it:
     <script src="your/path/to/lithosphere.js"></script>
  3. Using the /public/examples files as a guide, use something like the following to initialize LithoSphere:
     <div id="container"></div>
         const Litho = new LithoSphere.default('container', {})
         // Litho.addLayer(type, layerOptions)

Moving Forward

Check out the Constructor page next for more information about the LithoSphere constructor and its available options.