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Controls are UI elements that can be added to the screen for added interaction. You can enable them all or not if you want to build a more robust UI or integrate LithoSphere into an existing project.

Add controls are added like:

Litho.addControl(className, Control, options?, corner?)
  • className - An HTML class name to assign to the control.
  • Control - A JavaScript class with the required functions getControl and attachEvents. Prebuilt Controls are detailed below.
  • options - Specific to the control.
  • corner - Sets which screen corner to place the control in and is one of 'TopLeft' || 'TopRight' || 'BottomLeft' || 'BottomRight'


A compass the radially indicates view azimuth and field of view. Hovering over it also displays the azimuth in degrees.

Litho.addControl('myCompass', Litho.controls.compass)


Displays the current longitude, latitude and elevation coordinates under the cursor. If the existingDivId option is sent, it’ll use that HTML element to write the coordinates to instead of generating its own.

Litho.addControl('myCoords', Litho.controls.coordinates, {
    //existingDivId: 'myCustomCoordDiv',


Allows users to exaggerate terrain by applying a multiplier to its elevation values.

Litho.addControl('myExaggerate', Litho.controls.exaggerate)


Returns the view to the initial view

Litho.addControl('myHome', Litho.controls.home)


A menu that lists out the current layers within LithoSphere and provides the abilities to toggle layers and set their opacities.

Litho.addControl('myLayers', Litho.controls.layers)

Adds on-screen spin, tilt, pan and zoom options to navigate and reorientate the scene through clicking.

Litho.addControl('myNavigation', Litho.controls.navigation)


Allows users to set camera parameters and stand at a location in it.

Litho.addControl('myObserve', Litho.controls.observe)


Enters first person mode to walk on the surface with available keyboards controls.

Litho.addControl('myWalk', Litho.controls.walk)