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Jupiter3D Testing


This document provides an overview of the testing architecture for Jupiter3D. It encompasses continuous testing concepts such as testing across the software development lifecycle as well as automated execution of tests through automation.

Testing Categories

The below list of test categories are included in our testing setup. Further details are provided below.

  • Static Code Analysis
  • Unit Tests
  • Security Tests
  • Build Tests
  • Acceptance Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • Performance Tests
  • Usability Tests

Unit Tests

Main Tests

  • Location: ./tests/
  • Purpose: To test our main script's functions and methods.
  • Running Tests:
    • Manually:
      1. Navigate to the project root directory in the command line.
      2. Execute pytest ./tests/
      3. View Results: Results will appear in the command-line output or can be formatted into a report using the pytest-html plugin.
    • Automatically:
      • Frequency:
        • Triggered by code changes and commits to the src/my_package/ file on GitHub.
        • Runs during nightly builds with other unit tests.
      • Results Location: GitHub Actions Unit Test Results
  • Contributing:
    • Framework Used: PyTest
    • Tips:
      • Test every non-trivial function or method in your code
      • Test conditions including malformed arguments and null conditions


  • Location: ./tests/test_model_*.py
  • Purpose: To test our 3D model rendering code for integrity and functionality
  • Run Tests:
    • Manually:
      1. Navigate to the project root directory in the command line.
      2. Execute pytest ./tests/test_model_*.py.
      3. View Results: Results will appear in the command-line output or can be formatted into a report using the pytest-html plugin.
    • Automatically:
      • Frequency:
        • Triggered by code changes and commits to the src/my_package/test_model_*.py file on GitHub.
        • Runs during nightly builds with other unit tests.
      • Location: GitHub Actions Unit Test Results
    • Contributing:
      • Framework: PyTest
      • Tips:
        • Test each model for edge cases like anti-meridian lines or poles

Security Tests


  • Purpose: Ensure our software dependencies are being scanned for vulnerabilities using Dependabot
  • Running Tests:
    • Automatically:
      • Frequency: Daily
      • Results Location: Security tab on repository's GitHub website

Integration Tests

Web App API

  • Location: [./tests/integration/web]
  • Purpose: Ensure Web UI software interacts smoothly with other software.
  • Running Tests:
    • Manually:
      1. Install and configure Selenium WebDriver for your target browsers.
      2. Run python ./tests/integration/web/
      3. Review the test execution logs and screenshots captured during the test run.
    • Automatically:
  • Contributing:
    • Framework Used: Selenium
    • Tips:
      • Test the interaction between software components and external APIs

Performance Tests

Chaos Testing

  • Location: ./tests/performance/chaos
  • Purpose: Ensure the software is robustly designed to scale and handle expected failures.
  • Running Tests:
    • Manually:
      1. Navigate to ./tests/performance/chaos.
      2. Execute the relevant test scripts for stress / chaos testing.
      3. View results in the output logs or generated reports.
    • Automatically:
      • Frequency:
        • Triggered by significant changes.
        • Quarterly stress tests.
      • Results Location: test deployment machine
  • Contributing:
    • Framework Used: Chaos Monkey
    • Tips:
      • Consider testing both typical and peak usage scenarios.
      • Ensure that performance tests represent real-world conditions as closely as possible.
      • Validate resource utilization thresholds to identify bottlenecks proactively.

User Interface (UI) Tests

UI User Experience

  • Location: ./tests/ui
  • Purpose: Ensure that the software meets users' needs and expectations through robust UI design.
  • Running Tests:
    • Manually:
      1. Navigate to ./tests/ui.
      2. Execute the relevant UI test scripts.
      3. View results in the output logs or generated UI testing reports.
    • Automatically:
  • Contributing: