CI Tools and Frameworks
- Continuous Integration
- For Analysis and Testing
- For verification, notification and assembly
- Using Git hooks
- Using Github Actions
- Implementing build tooling (e.g. Maven plugins, SetupTools, Make)
- Using Checksum hashing
- For credentialing
- Implementing keystore Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin
- Using ssh
- Using oauth
- For executing and reporting tests
- Using Jenkins plugins
- Using TravisCI Build Addons
- Using (Java) Maven plugins
- Using (Python) SetupTools
- Using (C#) NUnit
- Using (C/C++) Make/Cmake
- Using (Node.js) npm-test
- Using (any) Testrail Connector
- For verification, notification and assembly
- For Compilation
- For Orchestration
- For deploying services
- For cloud or datacenter deployments
- Using Terraform
- Using Kubernetes
- Using CloudFormation
- Using SaltStack
- For Release Management
- For packaging
- For releasing software
- Using Jenkins ()
- Using TravisCI
- Using Github Actions
- For storing build artifacts
- Using software repositories
- Using Artifactory
- Using Nexus
- Using OSS repositories
- Using software repositories
- For Analysis and Testing