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name: Bug Report
about: Report a bug to help us improve
title: '[Bug]: '
labels: 'bug'
assignees: ''


**Checked for duplicates**

> Have you checked for duplicate issue tickets?

- Ex. Yes - I've already checked
- Ex. No - I haven't checked

**Describe the bug**

> A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Plain-text snippets preferred but screenshots welcome.

Ex. When I did [...] action, I noticed [...]

**What did you expect?**

> A clear and concise description of what you expect to happen

Ex. I expected [...]

**Reproducible steps**

> How would we reproduce this bug? Please walk us through it step by step. Plain-text snippets preferred but screenshots welcome.


**What is your environment?**

> Include any computer hardware, operating system, framework, browser, time-of-day or other contextual information related to your issue

- Ex. Version of this software [e.g. vX.Y.Z]
- Ex. Operating System: [e.g. MacOSX with Docker Desktop vX.Y]
- ...