A profile of any type; a function from time to any value representable by JSON.

All profiles can be represented as Discrete, even Real profiles. Keep in mind that treating real profiles as discrete will lose access to the ordering operators (>, <, >=, <=). In most cases it is better not to do this.

Type Parameters

  • Schema


  • Discrete


  • Replaces all gaps in this profile with default segments taken from the argument


    • defaultProfile: Discrete<Schema> | Schema

      value or discrete profile to take default values from.

    Returns Discrete<Schema>

  • Produce an instantaneous window whenever this profile changes.

    Returns Windows

  • Produce a window whenever this profile is equal to another discrete profile.


    Returns Windows

  • Produce a window whenever this profile is not equal to another discrete profile.


    Returns Windows

  • Shifts the profile forward or backward in time.


    • duration: Duration

      duration shift each segment (can be negative)

    Returns Discrete<Schema>

  • Produce an instantaneous window whenever this profile makes a specific transition.


    • from: Schema

      initial value

    • to: Schema

      final value

    Returns Windows

  • Will use the start of the first span in the spans


    Returns Discrete<Schema>

  • Reference the discrete profile associated with a resource.

    Type Parameters


    • name: R

    Returns Discrete<Resource[R]>

  • Create a constant discrete profile for all time.

    Type Parameters

    • Schema


    • value: Schema
    • Optional interval: Interval

    Returns Discrete<Schema>

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