
data class BaseTimeline<V : IntervalLike<V>, TL : Timeline<V, TL>>(ctor: (Timeline<V, TL>) -> TL, collector: (CollectOptions) -> List<V>) : Timeline<V, TL>

The basic timeline container that all higher-level timeline collections ultimately delegate to.

Only the most extreme power-users should ever need to construct this manually.


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constructor(ctor: (Timeline<V, TL>) -> TL, collector: (CollectOptions) -> List<V>)


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open override fun cache(opts: CollectOptions): TL

Caches the result of collecting this timeline, to be reused for future collect requests if possible.

open fun cache(): TL

(DOC) Caches the timeline for all available time.

open fun cache(bounds: Interval): TL

(DOC) A simplified version of cache.

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open override fun collect(opts: CollectOptions): List<V>

(DOC) Evaluates the stack of operations and produces a list of timeline payload objects.

open fun collect(): List<V>

(DOC) Collects the timeline for all available time.

open fun collect(bounds: Interval): List<V>

(DOC) A simplified version of collect.

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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in V>)
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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<V>
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open override fun <RESULT : Timeline<V, RESULT>> unsafeCast(ctor: (Timeline<V, RESULT>) -> RESULT): RESULT

(DOC) UNSAFE! Casts this timeline type to another type without changing its contents.