A timeline of external events.
(DOC) Creates a Real profile corresponding to the running total of time that this timeline has had an active object.
(DOC) Caches the timeline for all available time.
Caches the result of collecting this timeline, to be reused for future collect requests if possible.
Returns just the intervals from the timeline, without coalescing.
(DOC) Creates an Universal object of Connections that associate of this timeline's object to the (chronologically) next object in another timeline that starts after this one ends.
(DOC) Safely converts to another timeline type that accepts the same payload type.
(DOC) Truncates each object to only its end time.
(DOC) Extends just the end of each object's interval by a duration. The duration can be negative.
(DOC) Removes or retains objects based on a predicate.
Filter by one or more derivation groups.
(DOC) Removes objects whose duration is outside a given valid interval.
Filter by one or more event sources.
Filter by one or more types.
(DOC) Filters out payload objects whose intervals are not contained in the given Windows timeline.
(DOC) Removes objects whose duration is shorter than a given duration.
(DOC) Removes objects whose duration is longer than a given duration.
(DOC) Inserts a no-op function into the operation stack to allow side effects, such as printing.
(DOC) Converts the payload objects into segments and combines them into a serial profile.
(DOC) Calculates the sum of durations of objects in a range leading the current time.
(DOC) Restricts the timeline to only be evaluated in the given interval.
(DOC) Uniformly shifts the entire timeline in time (positive shifts toward the future).
(DOC) Shifts the start and end points of each object.
(DOC) Splits payload objects into a variable number of equally sized pieces.
(DOC) Truncates each object to only its start time.
(DOC) UNSAFE! Casts this timeline type to another type without changing its contents.
(DOC) UNSAFE! Maps each object to a nested timeline and flattens all the timelines into one.
(DOC) UNSAFE! Maps each timeline object to another object, of potentially a different type, at potentially a different time.
Performs a generalized binary operation between this and another timeline.
(DOC) UNSAFE! Maps the interval of each object, leaving the rest of the object unchanged.
(DOC) UNSAFE! A simpler version of unsafeOperate for operations that don't change the timeline type.
(DOC) UNSAFE! The basic, most general operation method. All operations eventually delegate here.
(DOC) Unsets everything in a given interval. Timeline objects whose intervals fully contain the rejected interval may be split into two objects.