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Resources and Models

In Aerie a resource is any measurable quantity whose behavior is to be tracked over the course of a simulation. Resources are general-purpose, and can model quantities such as finite resources, geometric attributes, ground and flight events, and more. Aerie provides basic models for three types of quantity:

  1. A discrete quantity that can be set (Register)
  2. A continuous quantity that can be added to (Counter)
  3. A continuous quantity that grows autonomously over time (Accumulator)

A common example of a Register would be a spacecraft or instrument mode, while common Accumulators might be battery capacity or data volume.

Defining a resource is as simple as constructing a model of the appropriate type. The model will automatically register its resources for use from the Aerie UI or Aerie API. Alternatively, a resource may be derived or sampled from an existing resource.

Derived Resources

A derived resource is constructed from an existing resource given a mapping transformation. For example, the Imager class sample model defines an "imaging in progress" resource with:

this.imagingInProgress =$ -> $ != ImagerMode.OFF);

In this example, imagingInProgress is a full-fledged discrete resource and will depend only on the imager’s on/off state.

A derived resource may also be constructed from a real resource. For example, given Accumulators instrumentA and instrumentB, a resource that maintains the current sum of both volumes may be constructed with:

var sumResource =;

Sampled Resources

A sampled resource allows for a new resource to be constructed from arbitrarily many existing resources/values and to be sampled once per second. This differs from a derived resource which provides a continuous mapping transformation from a single existing resource.

For example, the Mission class sample model defines a "battery state of charge" resource with:

this.batterySoC = new SampledResource<>(() -> this.source.volume.get() - this.sink.volume.get());

In this example, batterySoC will be updated once per second to with the current difference between the "source" volume and "sink" volume.

Custom Models

Often, the semantics of the pre-existing models are not exactly what you need in your mission model. Perhaps you’d like to prevent activities from changing the rate of an Accumulator, or you’d like to have some helper methods for interrogating one or more resources. In these cases, a custom model may be a good solution.

A custom model is a regular Java class, extending the Model class generated for your mission model by Merlin (or the base class provided by the framework, if it’s mission-agnostic). It may implement any helper methods you’d like, and may contain any sub-models that contribute to its purpose. The only restriction is that it must not contain any mutable state of its own - all mutable state must be held by one of the basic models, or one of the internal state-management entities they use, known as "cells".

The contrib package is a rich source of example models. See the repository for more details.