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A mission model configuration enables mission modelers to set initial mission model values when running a simulation. Configurations are tied to a plan, therefore each plan is able to define its own set of configuration parameters


To use a mission model configuration the @WithConfiguration annotation must be used within the mission model's to register the configuration with Aerie.

For example, the Aerie mission model template makes use of this annotation:

@MissionModel(model = Mission.class)
package missionmodel;

import gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.merlin.framework.annotations.MissionModel;
import gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.merlin.framework.annotations.MissionModel.WithConfiguration;

In this example Configuration is the class class containing all mission model configuration data. When the @WithConfiguration annotation is used, the model – defined within the @MissionModel annotation – must accept the configuration as the last constructor parameter. See

public Mission(final Registrar registrar, final Configuration config) {
// Initialize Mission with 'registrar' and 'config' here.

If the second argument is an Instant denoting plan start time the configuration parameter must still be provided as the last argument. For example:

public Mission(final Registrar registrar, final Instant planStart, final Configuration config) {
// Initialize Mission with 'registrar', 'planStart', and 'config' here.


A configuration class should be defined with the same parameter annotations as activities. See Parameters for a thorough explanation of all possible styles of @Export parameter declarations.

Similarly to activities, the annotation processor will take care of all serialization/deserialization of the configuration object. The annotation processor will generate a configuration mapper for the configuration defined within @WithConfiguration().


A Configuration can be a simple data class. For example:

package missionmodel;

import gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.merlin.framework.annotations.Export;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import static gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.merlin.framework.annotations.Export.Template;

public record Configuration(Path initialDataPath) {
public static final Path DEFAULT_DATA_PATH = Path.of("/etc/os-release");

public static @Template Configuration defaultConfiguration() {
return new Configuration(DEFAULT_DATA_PATH);

See the Aerie mission model examples directory for a demonstration of each possible style of configuration definitions:

  1. foo-missionmodel - Uses standard @Parameter configuration annotations
  2. banananation - Uses the @Template annotation to define a default Configuration object (shown above)
  3. config-with-defaults - Uses @WithDefaults to define a default for each parameter
  4. config-without-defaults - Defined with no default arguments, requires all arguments to be supplied by the planner

The mission model may use a configuration to set initial values of resources, for example:

this.sink = new Accumulator(0.0, config.sinkRate);