Planning, scheduling, and sequencing tools for modern space missions.

Trusted by NASA mission partners

Seamless workflow from planning to commanding
Build sequences and commands that execute on-board a spacecraft directly from activities in your plans. Author and refine sequences derived from your command dictionary.

Extensible mission modeling and simulation
Model your system with access to the entire Java ecosystem. Validate plans against your models using Aerie's discrete event simulator through the user interface or Aerie API.

Real-time collaboration and versioning
Create, modify, and test out plans together in real time from across the world. Or make branches, edit them asynchronously, and merge them together when you're ready.
Flexible scheduling and rule checking
Automate plan creation with prioritized scheduling goals. Author constraints, evaluate them against a simulation of your plan, and visualize violations on the plan timeline.

Get Started
For Mission Planners
Create a viable plan that meets mission objectives while adhering to all constraints throughout the project lifecycle.

For Systems Engineers
Analyze and inform spacecraft design and architecture during development.

For Spacecraft Operators
Build and collaboratively iterate on an integrated plan and set of commands that meets plan goals and constraints.

Open source and zero cost
Community driven flexible workspace designed to support flagship missions to exploratory proposals.

Quick set up and customization
Aerie was designed from the ground up to be easily installed and used to get your mission up and running quickly. Aerie lets you focus on your mission, and we'll do the chores.

Learn More
Ask a question on Slack
Say hi or get help by joining our Slack conversations or posting a question in our GitHub discussions.

Discuss or contribute on Github
Post a question in GitHub discussions, or contribute back and help make Aerie even better than it is today.

Sign up for news and updates
Stay up-to-date on the latest news and releases by joining the Aerie Users Google Group.

Dive into the docs
See the details of how different components work in Aerie.
Explore a universe of extensions
Project and community members have begun to build a marketplace of extensions you can use to jump start your modeling and ground system integration efforts.

Something else?
Have a specific quesion that you'd like help with? Curious to speak with someone directly? Send us an email and we can find to chat or demo Aerie.
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