
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


activityArgumentsP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
activityAttributesP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
ActivityAttributesRecord - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
ActivityAttributesRecord(Optional<Long>, Map<String, SerializedValue>, Optional<SerializedValue>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Creates an instance of a ActivityAttributesRecord record class.
ActivityExpression(String, Optional<StructExpressionAt>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Creates an instance of a ActivityExpression record class.
activityFinder() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityFinder record component.
activityFinder() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityFinder record component.
activityFinder() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityFinder record component.
activityTemplate() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityTemplate record component.
activityTemplate() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityTemplate record component.
activityTemplate() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the activityTemplate record component.
ActivityTemplate(String, StructExpressionAt) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Creates an instance of a ActivityTemplate record class.
ActivityTemplateJsonParser - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
ActivityTemplateJsonParser(MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ActivityTemplateJsonParser
ActivityTimingConstraint(TimeAnchor, TimeUtility.Operator, Duration, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Creates an instance of a ActivityTimingConstraint record class.
ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange(SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint, SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Creates an instance of a ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange record class.
activityTimingConstraintFlexibleRangeP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL
activityTimingConstraintP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL
activityType() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Returns the value of the activityType record component.
ActivityType - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
ActivityType(String, Map<String, ValueSchema>, Map<String, Map<String, SerializedValue>>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Creates an instance of a ActivityType record class.
activityTypes() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Returns the value of the activityTypes record component.
activityTypes() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the activityTypes record component.
activityTypes(MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes) - Static method in class
addActivity(ActivityDirectiveId, ActivityDirective) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.MerlinPlan
alias() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the alias record component.
allocate(SpecificationId, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository
allocate(SpecificationId, String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.ResultsCellRepository
analysisId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State
analysisId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Pending
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the analysisId record component.
analysisOnly() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the analysisOnly record component.
analysisOnly() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the analysisOnly record component.
AndCondition(List<SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition
Creates an instance of a AndCondition record class.
AppConfiguration - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config
AppConfiguration(int, boolean, Store, URI, String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Creates an instance of a AppConfiguration record class.
apply(long) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.ClaimRequestAction
apply(Javalin) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
apply all scheduler http bindings to the provided javalin server
args() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns the value of the args record component.
arguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Returns the value of the arguments record component.
arguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Returns the value of the arguments record component.
arguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Returns the value of the arguments record component.
arguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Returns the value of the arguments record component.


build() - Method in class
Builder() - Constructor for class


cancel() - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
cancel() - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.ReaderRole
cancel the interest in the result of the scheduling run it is illegal to call get() after a cancel() call
canceled() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the canceled record component.
CardinalityGoalDefinition(SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate, Optional<SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression>, SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Creates an instance of a CardinalityGoalDefinition record class.
CardinalitySpecification(Optional<Duration>, Optional<Integer>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Creates an instance of a CardinalitySpecification record class.
cause - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.DatabaseException
claim(long) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository
claim(long) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.ResultsCellRepository
ClaimRequestAction - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
ClaimRequestAction(Connection) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.ClaimRequestAction
clearPlanActivityDirectives(PlanId) - Method in record class
delete all the activity instances stored in the target plan container the plan revision will change!
clearPlanActivityDirectives(PlanId) - Method in interface
delete all the activity instances stored in the target plan container the plan revision will change!
close() - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.ClaimRequestAction
ClosedOpenInterval(Duration, Duration) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Creates an instance of a ClosedOpenInterval record class.
CodeLocation(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Creates an instance of a CodeLocation record class.
CoexistenceGoalDefinition(SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate, Optional<PersistentTimeAnchor>, Optional<SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression>, String, SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression, Optional<? extends SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint>, Optional<? extends SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Creates an instance of a CoexistenceGoalDefinition record class.
column() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Returns the value of the column record component.
Complete(ScheduleResults, long, Optional<Long>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Complete record class.
completeStack() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns the value of the completeStack record component.
computedAttributes() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Returns the value of the computedAttributes record component.
conditionSpecifierP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL
conditionSpecifiers() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition
Returns the value of the conditionSpecifiers record component.
ConstraintsTypescriptCodeGenerationHelper - Class in
createAllPlanActivityDirectives(PlanId, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in record class
create activity instances in the target plan container for each activity in the input plan does not attempt to resolve id clashes or do activity instance updates the plan revision will change!
createAllPlanActivityDirectives(PlanId, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in interface
create activity instances in the target plan container for each activity in the input plan does not attempt to resolve id clashes or do activity instance updates the plan revision will change!
createdActivities() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the createdActivities record component.
createEmptyPlan(String, long, Instant, Duration) - Method in record class
create a new empty plan container based on specifications does not attach a scheduling specification to the plan!
createEmptyPlan(String, long, Instant, Duration) - Method in interface
create a new empty plan container based on specifications does not attach a scheduling specification to the plan!
CreateNewOutputPlan - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PlanOutputMode
create a new plan container to hold the output schedule
createNewPlanWithActivityDirectives(PlanMetadata, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in record class
create an entirely new plan container in aerie and synchronize the in-memory plan to it does not mutate the original plan, so metadata remains valid for the original plan
createNewPlanWithActivityDirectives(PlanMetadata, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in interface
create an entirely new plan container in aerie and synchronize the in-memory plan to it does not mutate the original plan, so metadata remains valid for the original plan


data() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the data record component.
data(JsonValue) - Method in class
database() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns the value of the database record component.
DatabaseException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
DatabaseException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.DatabaseException
datasetId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the datasetId record component.
datasetId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Returns the value of the datasetId record component.
datasetId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the datasetId record component.
datasetId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the datasetId record component.
datasetId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the datasetId record component.
DatasetId - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
DatasetId(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.DatasetId
Creates an instance of a DatasetId record class.
DatasetIds(DatasetId, GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.SimulationDatasetId) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a DatasetIds record class.
DatasetMetadata(DatasetId, Duration) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a DatasetMetadata record class.
deallocate(ResultsProtocol.OwnerRole) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository
deallocate(ResultsProtocol.OwnerRole) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.ResultsCellRepository
directiveId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Returns the value of the directiveId record component.
discreteProfileP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
discreteProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Returns the value of the discreteProfiles record component.
discreteProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Returns the value of the discreteProfiles record component.
discreteProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Returns the value of the discreteProfiles record component.
discreteProfileSegmentP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
discreteProfileTypeP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
discreteValueSchemaTypeP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
duration() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Returns the value of the duration record component.
durationFromPGInterval(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
durationP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
durationP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL


EDSL(GoalSource) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.EDSL
Creates an instance of a EDSL record class.
enableJavalinDevLogging() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns the value of the enableJavalinDevLogging record component.
end() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Returns the value of the end record component.
endConstraint() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the endConstraint record component.
ensurePlanExists(PlanId) - Method in record class
confirms that the specified plan exists in the aerie database, throwing exception if not
ensurePlanExists(PlanId) - Method in interface
confirms that the specified plan exists in the aerie database, throwing exception if not
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.DatasetId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalSource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.EDSL
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.JAR
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.SpecificationInput
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionSource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.LinearResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SpecificationId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Pending
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
errors - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.SpecificationLoadException
EventGraphFlattener - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
expression() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Returns the value of the expression record component.
expression() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression
Returns the value of the expression record component.
ExternalProfiles - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
ExternalProfiles(Map<String, LinearProfile>, Map<String, DiscreteProfile>, Collection<ResourceType>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Creates an instance of a ExternalProfiles record class.


failed(SimulationFailure) - Static method in record class
Failed(ScheduleFailure, long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Creates an instance of a Failed record class.
Failed(ScheduleFailure, long) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Failed record class.
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
FailedInsertException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
FailedInsertException(String) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.FailedInsertException
FailedUpdateException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
FailedUpdateException(String) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.FailedUpdateException
failure(String) - Static method in interface
Failure(String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Failure record class.
Failure(String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Failure record class.
failures - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.InvalidEntityException
failWith(ScheduleFailure) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
failWith(ScheduleFailure) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.WriterRole
mark the scheduling run as having failed with the given reason
failWith(Consumer<ScheduleFailure.Builder>) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.WriterRole
files() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the files record component.
flatten(EventGraph<T>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.EventGraphFlattener
forEach() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the forEach record component.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class


generateSchedulingLibAction() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns the value of the generateSchedulingLibAction record component.
GenerateSchedulingLibAction - Record Class in
GenerateSchedulingLibAction(MerlinDatabaseService.ReaderRole) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a GenerateSchedulingLibAction record class.
GenerateSchedulingLibAction.Response - Interface in
common interface for different possible results of the query
GenerateSchedulingLibAction.Response.Failure - Record Class in
GenerateSchedulingLibAction.Response.Success - Record Class in
generateTypescriptTypesFromMissionModel(MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes) - Static method in class
get() - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
get() - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.ReaderRole
retrieve the current status of the scheduling run, including if it is still in progress the scheduling run must not have been previously cancel()ed
getActivitiesById() - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.MerlinPlan
getActivityById(ActivityDirectiveId) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.MerlinPlan
getDatasetId(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PreparedStatements
getExternalDatasets(PlanId) - Method in record class
getExternalEvents(PlanId, Instant) - Method in record class
getExternalEvents(PlanId, Instant) - Method in interface
getExternalProfiles(PlanId) - Method in record class
getExternalProfiles(PlanId) - Method in interface
Gets external profiles associated to a plan, including segments
getFailureReason(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PreparedStatements
getGoal(GoalId) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresSpecificationRepository
getGoal(GoalId) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.SpecificationRepository
getInvalidMissionModelId() - Method in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchMissionModelException
getInvalidPlanId() - Method in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchActivityInstanceException
getInvalidPlanId() - Method in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchPlanException
getMissionModelTypes(PlanId) - Method in record class
getMissionModelTypes(PlanId) - Method in interface
getMissionModelTypes(MissionModelId) - Method in record class
getMissionModelTypes(MissionModelId) - Method in interface
getNextPlanName() - Method in record class
generate a name for the next created plan container using current timestamp currently, does not actually verify that the name is unique within aerie database
getPlanActivityDirectives(PlanMetadata, Problem) - Method in record class
create an in-memory snapshot of the target plan's activity contents from aerie
getPlanActivityDirectives(PlanMetadata, Problem) - Method in interface
create an in-memory snapshot of the target plan's activity contents from aerie
getPlanMetadata(PlanId) - Method in record class
fetch current metadata of the target plan (not the activity instance content)
getPlanMetadata(PlanId) - Method in interface
fetch current metadata of the target plan (not the activity instance content)
getPlanRevision(PlanId) - Method in record class
fetch current revision number of the target plan stored in aerie
getPlanRevision(PlanId) - Method in interface
fetch current revision number of the target plan stored in aerie
getResourceTypes(PlanId) - Method in record class
Gets resource types associated to a plan, those coming from the mission model as well as those coming from external dataset resources
getResourceTypes(PlanId) - Method in interface
Gets resource types associated to a plan, those coming from the mission model as well as those coming from external dataset resources
getResourceTypes(MissionModelId) - Method in record class
getScheduleResults(ScheduleRequest, String) - Method in record class
schedules activity instances into the target plan in order to further satisfy the associated scheduling goals
getSchema(SchemaCache) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ActivityTemplateJsonParser
getSimulationId(PlanId) - Method in record class
getSimulationResults(PlanMetadata) - Method in record class
getSimulationResults(PlanMetadata) - Method in interface
Gets existing simulation results for current plan if they exist and are suitable for scheduling purposes (current revision, covers the entire planning horizon) These simulation results do not include events and topics.
getSpecification(SpecificationId) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresSpecificationRepository
getSpecification(SpecificationId) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.SpecificationRepository
getSpecification(SpecificationId) - Method in record class
getSpecificationRevisionData(SpecificationId) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresSpecificationRepository
getSpecificationRevisionData(SpecificationId) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.SpecificationRepository
getSpecificationRevisionData(SpecificationId) - Method in record class
getSuitableSimulationResults(PlanMetadata) - Method in record class
Returns the simulation dataset id if the simulation - covers the entire planning horizon - corresponds to the plan revision
GlobalSchedulingCondition(Expression<Windows>, List<String>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Creates an instance of a GlobalSchedulingCondition record class.
goal() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Returns the value of the goal record component.
GoalAnd(List<SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Creates an instance of a GoalAnd record class.
GoalApplyWhen(SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier, Expression<Windows>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Creates an instance of a GoalApplyWhen record class.
GoalBuilder - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
goalId - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchSchedulingGoalException
goalId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Returns the value of the goalId record component.
GoalId - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
GoalId(long, long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
GoalId(long, long, long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
GoalId(long, long, Optional<Long>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Creates an instance of a GoalId record class.
goalInvocationId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Returns the value of the goalInvocationId record component.
GoalInvocationRecord - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
GoalInvocationRecord(GoalId, String, GoalType, Map<String, SerializedValue>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Creates an instance of a GoalInvocationRecord record class.
goalOfGoalSpecifier(SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier, Timestamp, Timestamp, Function<String, ActivityType>, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.GoalBuilder
GoalOr(List<SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Creates an instance of a GoalOr record class.
GoalResult(Collection<ActivityDirectiveId>, Collection<ActivityDirectiveId>, boolean) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a GoalResult record class.
goalResults() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the goalResults record component.
goals() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Returns the value of the goals record component.
goals() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Returns the value of the goals record component.
goalsByPriority() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the goalsByPriority record component.
GoalSource - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
GoalSource(String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalSource
Creates an instance of a GoalSource record class.
GoalType - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
GoalType.EDSL - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
GoalType.JAR - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes
gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres - package gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres - package
graphQLIntervalFromDuration(Duration) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
graphQLIntervalFromDuration(Instant, Instant) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService - Record Class in
GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService(URI, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService record class.
GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.DatasetIds - Record Class in
GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.DatasetMetadata - Record Class in
GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.SimulationDatasetId - Record Class in
GraphQLParsers - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql
utility methods for parsing graphql scalars as returned by the merlin interface
GraphQLParsers() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers


hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.DatasetId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.EDSL
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.JAR
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.SpecificationInput
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionSource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.LinearResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SpecificationId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Pending
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
HasuraAction<I> - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
HasuraAction(String, I, HasuraAction.Session) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Creates an instance of a HasuraAction record class.
HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
HasuraAction.Input - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
HasuraAction.Session - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
HasuraAction.SpecificationInput - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
hasuraGraphQlAdminSecret() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns the value of the hasuraGraphQlAdminSecret record component.
hasuraGraphQlAdminSecret() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the hasuraGraphQlAdminSecret record component.
hasuraRole() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Returns the value of the hasuraRole record component.
hasuraSchedulingDSLTypescriptActionP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
parser for a hasura action that accepts a mission model id as its sole input, along with normal hasura session details
HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent(long, long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Creates an instance of a HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent record class.
hasuraSchedulingGoalEventTriggerP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
hasuraSpecificationActionP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
parser for a hasura action that accepts a plan id as its sole input, along with normal hasura session details
hasuraUserId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Returns the value of the hasuraUserId record component.
horizon() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the horizon record component.
horizonEndTimestamp() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the horizonEndTimestamp record component.
horizonEndTimestamp() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the horizonEndTimestamp record component.
horizonStartTimestamp() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the horizonStartTimestamp record component.
horizonStartTimestamp() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the horizonStartTimestamp record component.
httpPort() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns the value of the httpPort record component.


id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.DatasetId
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanId
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionId
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SpecificationId
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the id record component.
incomplete() - Static method in record class
Incomplete(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete
Creates an instance of a Incomplete record class.
Incomplete(long) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Incomplete record class.
INCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
INCOMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
input() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Returns the value of the input record component.
instantFromStart(Instant, Duration) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
IntegrationFailureException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
IntegrationFailureException() - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.IntegrationFailureException
IntegrationFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.IntegrationFailureException
IntegrationFailureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.IntegrationFailureException
IntegrationFailureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.IntegrationFailureException
InvalidEntityException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
InvalidEntityException(List<JsonParseResult.FailureReason>) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.InvalidEntityException
InvalidJsonException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
InvalidJsonException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.InvalidJsonException
InvalidRequestStatusException(String) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status.InvalidRequestStatusException
InvalidSimulationStatusException(String) - Constructor for exception class
invalidStatus - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status.InvalidRequestStatusException
invalidStatus - Variable in exception class


JAR(Path) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.JAR
Creates an instance of a JAR record class.
jarPath() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Returns the value of the jarPath record component.


label - Variable in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
label - Variable in enum class
lastActivityStartedAt() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the lastActivityStartedAt record component.
line() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Returns the value of the line record component.
LinearResource(String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.LinearResource
Creates an instance of a LinearResource record class.
location() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns the value of the location record component.
lookup(ScheduleRequest) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository
lookup(ScheduleRequest) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.ResultsCellRepository
lowerBound() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Returns the value of the lowerBound record component.


main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.SchedulerAppDriver
scheduler service entry point; services pending scheduler requests until terminated reads configuration options from the environment (if available, otherwise uses hardcoded defaults) to control how the scheduler connects to its data stores or services scheduling requests this method never naturally returns; it will service requests until externally terminated (or exception)
matches(RevisionData) - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
matches(RevisionData) - Method in interface
merlinDatabaseService() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the merlinDatabaseService record component.
MerlinDatabaseService - Interface in
MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes - Record Class in
MerlinDatabaseService.OwnerRole - Interface in
MerlinDatabaseService.ReaderRole - Interface in
MerlinDatabaseService.WriterRole - Interface in
merlinGraphqlURI() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns the value of the merlinGraphqlURI record component.
merlinGraphqlURI() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the merlinGraphqlURI record component.
MerlinPlan - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
MerlinPlan() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.MerlinPlan
MerlinServiceException - Exception Class in
message() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns the value of the message record component.
message() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the message record component.
message(String) - Method in class
missionModelId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Returns the value of the missionModelId record component.
MissionModelIdInput(MissionModelId, Optional<PlanId>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Creates an instance of a MissionModelIdInput record class.
missionModelIdP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
MissionModelTypes(Collection<ActivityType>, Collection<ResourceType>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a MissionModelTypes record class.
modelConfiguration() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the modelConfiguration record component.
modelId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the modelId record component.
modelName() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the modelName record component.
modelPath() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the modelPath record component.
modelVersion() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the modelVersion record component.


name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.LinearResource
Returns the value of the name record component.
NoSuchActivityInstanceException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchActivityInstanceException(ActivityDirectiveId) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchActivityInstanceException
NoSuchMissionModelException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchMissionModelException(MissionModelId) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchMissionModelException
NoSuchPlanException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchPlanException(PlanId) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchPlanException
NoSuchRequestException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchRequestException(SpecificationId, long) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchRequestException
NoSuchSchedulingGoalException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchSchedulingGoalException(GoalId) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchSchedulingGoalException
NoSuchSpecificationException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
NoSuchSpecificationException(SpecificationId) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchSpecificationException


occurrence() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Returns the value of the occurrence record component.
of(Map<String, ResourceProfile<RealDynamics>>, Map<String, ResourceProfile<SerializedValue>>) - Static method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
offsetFromPlanStart() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the offsetFromPlanStart record component.
operand() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns the value of the operand record component.
operator() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns the value of the operator record component.


parameters() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Returns the value of the parameters record component.
parse(JsonValue) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ActivityTemplateJsonParser
parseGraphQLTimestamp(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
parse the given graphQL formatted timestamptz scalar string (eg 2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)
parseJson(String, JsonParser<T>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
password() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns the value of the password record component.
path() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.JAR
Returns the value of the path record component.
pending() - Static method in record class
Pending(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Pending
Creates an instance of a Pending record class.
Pending(long) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Pending record class.
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
PENDING - Enum constant in enum class
permissionsService() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns the value of the permissionsService record component.
persistentAnchor() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the persistentAnchor record component.
pgTimestampP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresParsers
planId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Returns the value of the planId record component.
planId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the planId record component.
planId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the planId record component.
planId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the planId record component.
PlanId - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
PlanId(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanId
Creates an instance of a PlanId record class.
planIdP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
PlanMetadata - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
plan details read from merlin services that are used by the scheduler
PlanMetadata(PlanId, long, PlanningHorizon, long, Path, String, String, Map<String, SerializedValue>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Creates an instance of a PlanMetadata record class.
PlanOutputMode - Enum Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config
controls how the scheduling service outputs its scheduled activities
planRev() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns the value of the planRev record component.
planRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the planRevision record component.
planRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the planRevision record component.
planRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the planRevision record component.
planRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Returns the value of the planRevision record component.
port() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns the value of the port record component.
PostgresParsers - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
PostgresParsers() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresParsers
PostgresResultsCell(DataSource, SpecificationId, long, long, long) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
PostgresResultsCellRepository - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
PostgresResultsCellRepository(DataSource) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository
PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
PostgresSpecificationRepository - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
PostgresSpecificationRepository(DataSource) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresSpecificationRepository
PostgresStore - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config
PostgresStore(String, String, Integer, String, String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Creates an instance of a PostgresStore record class.
postRequest(String, JsonObject) - Method in record class
postSpans(DatasetId, Map<Long, GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.SpanRecord>, Instant, Map<ActivityDirectiveId, ActivityDirectiveId>) - Method in record class
PreparedStatements - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
presets() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Returns the value of the presets record component.
Procedure(Path, Map<String, SerializedValue>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Creates an instance of a Procedure record class.
ProfileParsers - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql
ProfileParsers() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
ProfileSet - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
ProfileSet(Map<String, ResourceProfile<Optional<RealDynamics>>>, Map<String, ResourceProfile<Optional<SerializedValue>>>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Creates an instance of a ProfileSet record class.


realDynamicsP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
realDynamicsP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
realProfileP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
realProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Returns the value of the realProfiles record component.
realProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Returns the value of the realProfiles record component.
realProfiles() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Returns the value of the realProfiles record component.
realProfileSegmentP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
realProfileTypeP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
realValueSchemaTypeP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.ProfileParsers
reason() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the reason record component.
reason() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Returns the value of the reason record component.
reason() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the reason record component.
reason() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the reason record component.
reason() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the reason record component.
reason() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the reason record component.
RecurrenceGoalDefinition(SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate, Optional<SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression>, Duration, Duration, Optional<Duration>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Creates an instance of a RecurrenceGoalDefinition record class.
refreshSchedulingProcedureParameterTypes(long, long) - Method in record class
reportCanceled(SchedulingInterruptedException) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
reportCanceled(SchedulingInterruptedException) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.WriterRole
Mark that the scheduler has acknowledged the cancellation
RequestRecord - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
RequestRecord(long, long, long, long, RequestRecord.Status, Optional<ScheduleFailure>, boolean, Optional<Long>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Creates an instance of a RequestRecord record class.
RequestRecord.Status - Enum Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
RequestRecord.Status.InvalidRequestStatusException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
resources(MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes) - Static method in class
ResourceType - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
ResourceType(String, ValueSchema) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Creates an instance of a ResourceType record class.
resourceTypes() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Returns the value of the resourceTypes record component.
resourceTypes() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the resourceTypes record component.
ResponseSerializers - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
json serialization methods for data entities used in the scheduler response bodies
ResponseSerializers() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
results() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Returns the value of the results record component.
results() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the results record component.
ResultsCellRepository - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes
ResultsProtocol - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
interfaces used to coordinate parties interested in the scheduling results (following example of merlin.server.ResultsProtocol)
ResultsProtocol.OwnerRole - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
interface that can both read and write to a scheduling result object
ResultsProtocol.ReaderRole - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
observer for a schedule result
ResultsProtocol.State - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
common interface for different possible results of scheduling
ResultsProtocol.State.Failed - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
scheduling failed; likely need to change inputs before re-running
ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
scheduling in progress, full results not yet available
ResultsProtocol.State.Pending - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
Scheduling in enqueued.
ResultsProtocol.State.Success - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
scheduling completed successfully, contains the full results
ResultsProtocol.WriterRole - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
producer for a scheduling result
ResultsProtocolFailure - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
error whose getMessage() should be reported to a ResultsProtocol.WriterRole.failWith() after reporting to the relevant ResultsProtocol, the exception should be consumed used to allow idiomatic java control flow unwinding and uniform message passing while still differentiating from more serious exceptions that should propagate out
ResultsProtocolFailure(String) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.ResultsProtocolFailure
create a new exception that should be reported to the ResultsProtocol
ResultsProtocolFailure(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.ResultsProtocolFailure
create a new exception that should be reported to the ResultsProtocol
ResultsProtocolFailure(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.ResultsProtocolFailure
create a new exception that should be reported to the ResultsProtocol
revision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Returns the value of the revision record component.
revision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Returns the value of the revision record component.
revision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns the value of the revision record component.
revision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the revision record component.
RevisionData - Interface in
RevisionData.MatchResult - Interface in
RevisionData.MatchResult.Failure - Record Class in
RevisionData.MatchResult.Success - Record Class in
run(SpecificationId, HasuraAction.Session) - Method in record class
execute the scheduling operation on the target plan (or retrieve existing scheduling results)
run(MissionModelId, Optional<PlanId>) - Method in record class
generates the scheduling typescript files


satisfied() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the satisfied record component.
satisfyingActivities() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the satisfyingActivities record component.
schedule(ScheduleRequest, ResultsProtocol.WriterRole, Supplier<Boolean>, int) - Method in interface
run the scheduling algorithm on the target plan using the associated scheduling goals mutates the target plan when scheduling is complete! any exceptions related to the particulars of a request should be reported as failures to the writer object; only exceptions fatal to the service itself should be propagated out
schedule(ScheduleRequest, ResultsProtocol.WriterRole, Supplier<Boolean>, int) - Method in class
scheduleAction() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns the value of the scheduleAction record component.
ScheduleAction - Record Class in
represents the query for the results of a scheduling run the query can be run using the scheduling service configured at construction, possibly resulting in the activation of a scheduling agent to produce the results (depending on caching etc)
ScheduleAction(SpecificationService, SchedulerService) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ScheduleAction record class.
ScheduleAction.Response - Interface in
common interface for different possible results of the query
ScheduleAction.Response.Complete - Record Class in
scheduler completed successfully; contains the requested results
ScheduleAction.Response.Failed - Record Class in
scheduler completed unsuccessfully, eg in an error or canceled
ScheduleAction.Response.Incomplete - Record Class in
scheduler has not completed running
ScheduleAction.Response.Pending - Record Class in
Scheduler has enqueued this request.
ScheduleFailure - Record Class in
ScheduleFailure(String, String, JsonValue, String, Instant) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ScheduleFailure record class.
ScheduleFailure.Builder - Class in
scheduleFailureP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
SchedulerAgent - Interface in
agent that can handle posed scheduling requests
SchedulerAppDriver - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server
scheduler service entry point class; services pending scheduler requests until terminated
SchedulerAppDriver() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.SchedulerAppDriver
SchedulerBindings - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
set up mapping between scheduler http endpoints and java method calls
SchedulerBindings(SpecificationService, SchedulerService, ScheduleAction, GenerateSchedulingLibAction, PermissionsService) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Creates an instance of a SchedulerBindings record class.
ScheduleRequest - Record Class in
details of a scheduling request, including the target schedule specification version and goals to operate on
ScheduleRequest(SpecificationId, SpecificationRevisionData) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ScheduleRequest record class.
ScheduleResults - Record Class in
summary of results from running the scheduler, including goal satisfaction metrics and changes made TODO: @param javadocs (Adrien)
ScheduleResults(Map<GoalId, ScheduleResults.GoalResult>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ScheduleResults record class.
ScheduleResults.GoalResult - Record Class in
SchedulerParsers - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http
json parsers for data objects used in the scheduler service endpoints
schedulerService() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns the value of the schedulerService record component.
schedulerService() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the schedulerService record component.
SchedulerService - Record Class in
services operations at the intersection of plans and scheduling goals; eg scheduling instances to satisfy goals provides both mutation operations to actively improve a plan's goal satisfaction score (eg by inserting activity instances into the plan) and passive queries to ascertain the current satisfaction level of a plan
SchedulerService(ResultsCellRepository) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SchedulerService record class.
SchedulingCompilationError - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingCompilationError() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError
SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingConditionId - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingConditionId(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionId
Creates an instance of a SchedulingConditionId record class.
SchedulingConditionRecord - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingConditionRecord(SchedulingConditionId, long, String, SchedulingConditionSource) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Creates an instance of a SchedulingConditionRecord record class.
schedulingConditions() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the schedulingConditions record component.
SchedulingConditionSource - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingConditionSource(String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionSource
Creates an instance of a SchedulingConditionSource record class.
SchedulingDSL - Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL
SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.LinearResource - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
schedulingErrorJsonP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError
schedulingJsonP(MerlinDatabaseService.MissionModelTypes) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL
schema() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Returns the value of the schema record component.
separatedByAtLeast() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the separatedByAtLeast record component.
separatedByAtMost() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the separatedByAtMost record component.
serializeException(Exception) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
create report of given exception that can be passed as json payload
serializeFailedGlobalSchedulingConditions(List<List<SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError>>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeFailedGoals(List<Pair<GoalId, List<SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError>>>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeFailureReason(JsonParseResult.FailureReason) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeForGql(String) - Method in record class
serialize the given string in a manner that can be used as a graphql argument value
serializeInvalidEntityException(InvalidEntityException) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeInvalidJsonException(InvalidJsonException) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeIterable(Function<T, JsonValue>, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeMap(Function<T, JsonValue>, Map<String, T>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeNoSuchPlanException(NoSuchPlanException) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeNoSuchSpecificationException(NoSuchSpecificationException) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeParseFailureBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serializeScheduleResults(ScheduleResults) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serialize the provided scheduling result summary to json
serializeScheduleResultsResponse(ScheduleAction.Response) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
serialize the scheduler run result, including if it is incomplete/failed
serializeValueSchema(ValueSchema) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ResponseSerializers
server() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns the value of the server record component.
session() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Returns the value of the session record component.
Session(String, String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Creates an instance of a Session record class.
setFailureReason(PreparedStatement, int, ScheduleFailure) - Static method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PreparedStatements
shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied record component.
shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied record component.
shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Returns the value of the shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied record component.
shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Returns the value of the shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied record component.
shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the shouldRollbackIfUnsatisfied record component.
simulateAfter() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns the value of the simulateAfter record component.
simulationArguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the simulationArguments record component.
simulationArguments() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns the value of the simulationArguments record component.
simulationArgumentsP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
simulationArgumentsP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresParsers
simulationDatasetId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the simulationDatasetId record component.
SimulationDatasetId(int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SimulationDatasetId record class.
SimulationStateRecord - Record Class in
SimulationStateRecord(SimulationStateRecord.Status, Optional<SimulationFailure>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SimulationStateRecord record class.
SimulationStateRecord.Status - Enum Class in
SimulationStateRecord.Status.InvalidSimulationStatusException - Exception Class in
singleton() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns the value of the singleton record component.
singleton() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Returns the value of the singleton record component.
source() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalSource
Returns the value of the source record component.
source() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.EDSL
Returns the value of the source record component.
source() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns the value of the source record component.
source() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionSource
Returns the value of the source record component.
spawn(String, SchedulerAgent) - Static method in class
specification() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the specification record component.
Specification - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
Specification(SpecificationId, long, PlanId, long, Timestamp, Timestamp, Map<String, SerializedValue>, boolean, List<GoalInvocationRecord>, List<SchedulingConditionRecord>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Creates an instance of a Specification record class.
specificationId - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.NoSuchSpecificationException
specificationId - Variable in exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.UnclaimableRequestException
specificationId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.SpecificationInput
Returns the value of the specificationId record component.
specificationId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the specificationId record component.
specificationId() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the specificationId record component.
specificationId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the specificationId record component.
SpecificationId - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
SpecificationId(long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SpecificationId
Creates an instance of a SpecificationId record class.
specificationIdP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerParsers
SpecificationInput(SpecificationId) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.SpecificationInput
Creates an instance of a SpecificationInput record class.
SpecificationLoadException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions
SpecificationLoadException(SpecificationId, List<SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError>) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.exceptions.SpecificationLoadException
SpecificationRecord - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
SpecificationRecord(long, long, long, long, Timestamp, Timestamp, Map<String, SerializedValue>, boolean) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Creates an instance of a SpecificationRecord record class.
specificationRepository() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the specificationRepository record component.
SpecificationRepository - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes
specificationRev() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the specificationRev record component.
specificationRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns the value of the specificationRevision record component.
specificationRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the specificationRevision record component.
specificationRevision() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Returns the value of the specificationRevision record component.
SpecificationRevisionData - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
SpecificationRevisionData(long, long) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Creates an instance of a SpecificationRevisionData record class.
specificationService() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns the value of the specificationService record component.
specificationService() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the specificationService record component.
SpecificationService - Record Class in
SpecificationService(SpecificationRepository) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SpecificationService record class.
stack() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns the value of the stack record component.
start() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Returns the value of the start record component.
startConstraint() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns the value of the startConstraint record component.
status() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns the value of the status record component.
status() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the status record component.
store() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns the value of the store record component.
store() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the store record component.
Store - Interface in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config
storeSimulationResults(PlanMetadata, SimulationResults, Map<ActivityDirectiveId, ActivityDirectiveId>) - Method in record class
storeSimulationResults(PlanMetadata, SimulationResults, Map<ActivityDirectiveId, ActivityDirectiveId>) - Method in interface
Stores the simulation results produced during scheduling
succeedWith(ScheduleResults, Optional<DatasetId>) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresResultsCellRepository.PostgresResultsCell
succeedWith(ScheduleResults, Optional<DatasetId>) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.WriterRole
mark the scheduling run as fully complete and attach the given results
success() - Static method in interface
success() - Static method in record class
Success() - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Success record class.
Success(ScheduleResults, long, Optional<Long>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Creates an instance of a Success record class.
Success(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Success record class.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class


terminate() - Method in class
ThreadedSchedulerAgent - Class in
timestamp() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the timestamp record component.
timestampFormat - Static variable in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.graphql.GraphQLParsers
the formatting expected in timestamptz scalars returned by graphql queries
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.AppConfiguration
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.SchedulerBindings
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityAttributesRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ActivityType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.DatasetId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ExternalProfiles
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalSource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.EDSL
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalType.JAR
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.HasuraSchedulingGoalEvent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.MissionModelIdInput
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.Session
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction.SpecificationInput
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.HasuraAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.PlanMetadata
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ResourceType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingConditionSource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.CardinalitySpecification
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ClosedOpenInterval
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.AndCondition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConditionSpecifier.GlobalSchedulingCondition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CardinalityGoalDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.CoexistenceGoalDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalAnd
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalOr
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.Procedure
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.RecurrenceGoalDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.LinearResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.Specification
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SpecificationId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRecord
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.SpecificationRevisionData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Failed
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Incomplete
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Pending
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.ResultsProtocol.State.Success
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
trace() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the trace record component.
trace(Throwable) - Method in class
type() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.GoalInvocationRecord
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.ActivityExpression
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the type record component.
type(String) - Method in class
TypescriptCodeGenerationService - Class in


UnclaimableRequestException - Exception Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres
UnclaimableRequestException(long) - Constructor for exception class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.UnclaimableRequestException
UnexpectedSubtypeError - Exception Class in
occurs when an interface object is encountered that does not match any of an expected set of sub-types
UnexpectedSubtypeError(Class<E>, E) - Constructor for exception class
construct new exception when an unknown subtype is encountered
unparse(SchedulingDSL.ActivityTemplate) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.http.ActivityTemplateJsonParser
UnwrappedProfileSet - Record Class in gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models
UnwrappedProfileSet(Map<String, ResourceProfile<RealDynamics>>, Map<String, ResourceProfile<SerializedValue>>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.UnwrappedProfileSet
Creates an instance of a UnwrappedProfileSet record class.
updateGoalParameterSchema(GoalId, ValueSchema) - Method in class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.PostgresSpecificationRepository
updateGoalParameterSchema(GoalId, ValueSchema) - Method in interface gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.SpecificationRepository
UpdateInputPlanWithNewActivities - Enum constant in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PlanOutputMode
update the input plan container itself with the new activities in the output schedule
updatePlanActivityDirectives(PlanId, MerlinPlan, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in record class
synchronize the in-memory plan back over to aerie data stores via update operations the plan revision will change!
updatePlanActivityDirectives(PlanId, MerlinPlan, Plan, Map<SchedulingActivity, GoalId>, SchedulerModel) - Method in interface
synchronize the in-memory plan back over to aerie data stores via update operations the plan revision will change!
updateSimulatedActivityParentsAction(DatasetId, Map<Long, GraphQLMerlinDatabaseService.SpanRecord>) - Method in record class
upperBound() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraintFlexibleRange
Returns the value of the upperBound record component.
user() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PostgresStore
Returns the value of the user record component.
UserCodeError(String, String, SchedulingCompilationError.CodeLocation, String) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingCompilationError.UserCodeError
Creates an instance of a UserCodeError record class.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PlanOutputMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.config.PlanOutputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.remotes.postgres.RequestRecord.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


windowProperty() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.TimingConstraint.ActivityTimingConstraint
Returns the value of the windowProperty record component.
windows() - Method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.GoalSpecifier.GoalApplyWhen
Returns the value of the windows record component.
WindowsExpression(Expression<Windows>) - Constructor for record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.SchedulingDSL.ConstraintExpression.WindowsExpression
Creates an instance of a WindowsExpression record class.
wrapInOptional(Map<String, ResourceProfile<T>>) - Static method in record class gov.nasa.jpl.aerie.scheduler.server.models.ProfileSet
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