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2.5.0 to 2.6.0

This document describes the upgrade instructions from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.


NOTE that a migration-related bug was discovered in version 2.6.0 after release. If you have not yet upgraded to 2.6.0, you can skip this version and upgrade directly to 2.6.2 or later. If you are already using 2.6.0, you should upgrade to 2.6.2 or later as soon as possible to avoid potential issues. More details can be found in this Github issue.

Changes to scheduling goals and conditions

To support shared & versioned scheduling goals and conditions, several changes were made to their behavior and database structure. The goals and conditions tables have each been split into two tables, a metadata table and a definitions table. Goals and conditions may now be associated with multiple plans via plan specifications, and may be marked "public" or "private" to control their visibility to other users.

The database structure for model specifications for conditions and goals has been added. A model specification is a recommended set of goals/conditions and their versions for all plans using the model. In a future release, plan scheduling specs will be prepopulated from the model specs, but this is not yet supported.

For more details about these changes, see PR #1315

scheduling_specifications relationship changed to scheduling_specification (#1355)

The relationship of plan to scheduling spec was changed from an array relationship to an object relationship, and the relationship name was changed from scheduling_specifications to scheduling_specification (singular). Aerie API users using this relationship should update to the new name & type.

Merge review changes

If a plan is undergoing a merge, the merge review screen is now visible only for users who have permissions to review it. Additionally, reviewers now have the ability to switch back and forth between the merge review and the plan view.