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2.15.0 to 2.16.0

This document describes the upgrade instructions from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0.

Env Variable Changes

Two changes were made to the names of environment variables used by Aerie containers. If you are specifying values for these variables in your deployment's docker-compose.yml file, you'll need to update them when upgrading to Aerie 2.16.0.

  • aerie_scheduler
    • Renamed AERIE_DB_SERVER -> AERIE_DB_HOST for consistency with other services. This change was mistakenly documented but not implemented in a past release - v2.8.0 upgrade guide docs have been retroactively updated to reflect the actual name of the variable as of v2.8.0.
  • aerie_gateway
    • The env variable HASURA_METADATA_API_URL has been deprecated and replaced with a new variable called HASURA_API_URL, in order to support more general types of Hasura API calls. If you are using this variable, you should update it to specify the base URL of the Hasura service rather than the specific metadata endpoint, eg. http://hasura:8080/ instead of http://hasura:8080/v1/metadata

Non-Breaking Changes

Aerie 2.16.0 introduces a change to the way simulation results are written to the database - they are now streamed to the database throughout the simulation instead of at the end. This should improve peak memory usage for large plans/mission models without impacting simulation running time, but please let us know if you see any significant performance regressions.

Aerie plans can now be exported to and imported from files, see Plan Import/Export for details.

Aerie deployments can now provide a Time Plugin to support other time systems such as LMST or SCLK. See Advanced - UI Plugins and Time Plugin pages for details.