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1.2.0 to 1.3.0

This document describes the upgrade instructions from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0.

Remove Nested Seq JSON GraphQL Querying (#716)

To query the Aerie GraphQL API for Seq JSON we provide the following four queries:

  • getSequenceSeqJson
  • getSequenceSeqJsonBulk
  • getUserSequenceSeqJson
  • getUserSequenceSeqJsonBulk

Previously to use these queries you needed to provide the explicit Seq JSON fields you wanted to query for. This was tedious when most of the time you need to query for the entire sequence. With this change we've removed that restriction, and return the entire Seq JSON document. For example here is a diff for a getSequenceSeqJson query:

query GetExpansionSequenceSeqJson($seqId: String!, $simulationDatasetId: Int!) {
getSequenceSeqJson(seqId: $seqId, simulationDatasetId: $simulationDatasetId) {
errors {
location {
+ seqJson
- seqJson {
- id
- metadata
- steps {
- args
- metadata
- stem
- time {
- tag
- type
- }
- type
- }
- }

Notice now we just include the seqJson field, which returns the entire Seq JSON document.

Additionally we provide the following two queries for converting Seq JSON into our EDSL:

  • getEdslForSeqJson
  • getEdslForSeqJsonBulk

The input type has changed from SequenceSeqJsonInput! to SequenceSeqJson!. For example:

+ query GetUserSequenceFromSeqJson($seqJson: SequenceSeqJson!) {
- query GetUserSequenceFromSeqJson($seqJson: SequenceSeqJsonInput!) {
getEdslForSeqJson(seqJson: $seqJson)