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Windows is a unique type of timeline that contains no values on each Interval; it is just a timeline of plain intervals.

Originally named after the concept of "Windows of Opportunity", Windows essentially represents a subset of the planning horizon. Like a profile, the intervals are automatically coalesced if they overlap.

Windows are usually created through the .highlight method or its derivatives. Its then common to either call .collect or use it in a for-each loop (which calls .collect under the hood). For example, to iterate through the windows where the my_resource resource equals 5, you can do this:

val myResource = plan.resource("my_resource", Real.deserializer())
for (interval in myResource.highlightEqualTo(3)) {
// do something with the interval

You can also use a Windows object to filter another timeline, so that it only returns results contained in the windows. This and the highlight method are explained in the Common Operations page.