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Getting Started

Currently only scheduling procedures are supported, not constraint procedures.

Create a project from the template

We have created a template repository for your mission model and scheduling procedures here. If you don't already have a mission model project, you can just copy that template and follow the instructions. If you do, you can follow these steps to add a place for your procedures:

  1. Move your mission model code into a gradle subproject if it isn't already.
  2. Create a scheduling subproject.
  3. Copy the build.gradle from the scheduling subproject of the mission model template repo.
  4. You can now create procedures in a java package in the scheduling subproject, as long as the package path ends in procedures. (i.e. src/main/java/myorg/mymission/procedures)


It is a two-part process to build your scheduling jars.

  1. Run ./gradlew :scheduling:compileJava (or any command that delegates to it, such as :scheduling:build or a top-level build).
  2. Run ./gradlew :scheduling:buildAllSchedulingProcedureJars. This produces the jar artifacts for each procedure.

There should now be one jar for each scheduling procedure, at scheduling/build/libs/<OriginalSourceCodeFileName>.jar.

Creating a Goal

See the examples in the mission model template repo, or see the scheduling page in this section.