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Time Plugin

Time input and presentation in the Aerie UI can be customized by implementing a time plugin. Currently the time plugin is only used on the plans and individual plan page. This time plugin does not affect how time is stored in the database and instead converts times from the database format to the plugin format on the fly in the UI.

Example use cases for the Time Plugin:

  • Displaying times in a particular timezone
  • Displaying and inputting times in a custom time such as LMST, SCLK, etc


  • The Time Plugin must be named time-plugin.js and must be placed inside of the static/resources directory of the Aerie UI.
  • Set PUBLIC_TIME_PLUGIN_ENABLED=true in your runtime environment.

Time Plugin API

The Time Plugin must return a time object from a getPlugin function with the following optional properties:

primaryPluginTimeSee below for a definition of the PluginTime type.
Default: UTC DOY parsing and input
additionalOptional<PluginTime, 'validate' | 'parse' | 'formatString' | 'formatTick' | 'formatShort'>[]Additional time formats that must supply at least the format and a parse functions. These additional time formats are used in the plan timeline secondary time displays as well as other secondary time displays in the plan page.
Default: User's local timezone
enableDatePickerbooleanIf true, show a UTC date picker. Disable this when the plugin does not use a primary time of UTC.
Default: true
getDefaultPlanEndDate(start: Date) => Date | nullCompute a plan end date given a plan start date
Default: Add one Earth day to the start date
ticksObjectSee below for the properties of ticks
ticks.getTicks(start: Date, stop: Date, count: number) => Date[]Return an array of Date objects given a start Date, a stop Date, and a target count of ticks. This function allows for cleanly lining up ticks with the plugin's primary time system.
Default: UTC based time ticks
ticks.maxLabelWidthnumberThe maximum width in pixels of any tick label. Used internally by the Aerie UI timeline to compute the number of ticks that should be displayed in the timeline.
Default: 130

The PluginTime type is defined by the following optional properties:

format(date: Date) => string | nullConvert a Date to a human readable string.
Default: UTC DOY YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss.SSS
formatShort(date: Date) => string | nullConvert a Date to a short human readable string.
formatStringstringFormat that users should adhere to for string date entry.
Default: YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss
formatTick(date: Date, durationMs: number, tickCount: number) => string | nullFormat a timeline tick given a Date, tick window duration, and number of ticks.
Default: Dynamic UTC date formatting
labelstringLabel for the time format.
Default: UTC
parse(dateString: string) => Date | nullConvert a string representation of a date to a Date object.
Default: Native Javascript Date parsing
validate(dateString: string) => string | nullReturn an error string if the given date string is invalid, otherwise return null.
Default: UTC date string validation

Error handling

The Time Plugin is responsible for gracefully failing when exceptions are encountered within the plugin. When an operation such as parse or format fails, the plugin should return null to indicate to the Aerie UI that an error occurred and that the date is invalid.

Example Plugins

Below is a basic example that sets the additional time formats to a single format that displays the current UTC year. For additional plugin examples, please refer to the aerie-ui-plugin-examples repository.

// Time plugin example (time-plugin.js)
export async function getPlugin() {
console.log('Plugin loaded');
return {
time: {
additional: [
format: (date: Date) => date.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
parse: (dateString: string) => new Date(string),