Plan Import/Export
Aerie has the ability to export plans into a JSON-based file format, and import plans from files using the same format. This allows you to save plans you've created in Aerie for backup or archival purposes, transfer plans between different Aerie deployments, or interface with other tools which may ingest or modify the plan file.
Aerie plan files are mainly a way to persist activities, tags, anchors, and arguments from a plan. Note that the following data is not included in plan files:
- Mission models - when importing, you will need to choose an existing mission model to associate with your plan
- Views - saved separately from plans, you can use the Download View button to save your views
- Resource profiles and other simulation results
- Plan specifications for Constraints, Scheduling Goals and Conditions
- Simulation Template - you can optionally associate a template when importing
The format of these files is described by this Typescript type in the Aerie repository:
Future releases of Aerie will include a JSON schema fully describing the format.
Exporting a plan
To export an Aerie plan, first open it in Aerie, then open the "Plan Metadata" panel. Use the export button in the top
right of the panel to export a plan.json

Importing a plan
On the Plans page, you can select an Aerie plan file to upload when creating a new plan. This will pre-populate the other fields from the plan file, but you will still need to select a mission model file to associate with your plan.
There is currently no validation to check that the associated mission model is the same as the one used to create the plan originally. This allows you to test the same plans with different models, but you may experience errors during simulation or scheduling if the activities in the plan file don't match those in the model.