ADR-0002 - GraphQL instead of REST API
NOTE: Apollo has been replaced by Hasura as of 0003-hasura-and-postgres.
Aerie API Needs
Evolve the internal APIs rapidly and the public APIs slowly.
The development of the Aerie user interface and application internal components proceeds in parallel. As a result, the user interface’s data needs imposes constraints on the definition of the system’s public API. The evolving nature of the user interface’s development makes it difficult to carry out an API design effort, as would be the case for a REST API architectural style. Further, the structure of resources needed by the highly configurable interface components within the user interface, makes defining an efficient set of resource endpoints prohibitively difficult. Such endpoints would require continuous editing and updating as development progressed.
Multiple clients and multiple different workflows for clients.
There exists a category of use cases in which customers develop custom Aerie client applications. Such customization requires the flexibility to easily define new data projections as simple queries constructed by a client. As a result, Aerie benefits from an API that supports high query flexibility from both the external client
Ability to dynamically reduce/transform response payloads.
Within the planning, scheduling and sequencing domain are a number of common list like data structures/concepts which are often quite large in size (number of elements). It is inefficient to impose upon any client seeking a particular view/aspect of the data structure to request and process the entire structure. For example, certain resources can’t be made "smaller" without compromising their intent. A Plan can be filtered but not sensibly partitioned. It is desirable that any client requesting such data structures be provided with an easily accessible means to query the data structure for the elements/projection of interest.
Custom queries and batch fetching.
The Aerie stores a number of significant mission data sources (E.g. activity plan, simulation results, and constraint violation results). Aerie must provide users flexible access to this data to support an arbitrary space of use cases for reporting, auditing and interfacing with third-party customers.
Trade Study
A trade study was conducted to evaluate available API products. A down selection of the tools left both the Tyk API gateway product and Apollo GraphQL Server product. The primary difference between these two products are their approach to exposing data. The Tyk gateway exposes system queries as Representational State Transfer(REST) endpoints while the Apollo GraphQL server exposes a single GraphQL query endpoint. The REST and GraphQL architectural styles present different approaches and embody contrasting capabilities. Representational State Transfer is an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems. GraphQL is a query language for an API, exposed as a typed schema defined by a data graph. Table 3 presents a set of desirable API properties and the manifestation of each property for REST and GraphQL driven APIs.
Table 3 Comparison of REST and GraphQL capabilities
System Property | REST | GraphQL |
Modifiability | ✅ | Runtime inspection |
Scalability | ✅ | ❌ |
Portability | ✅ | ✅ |
Reliability | ✅ | ✅ |
Simplicity | ✅ | ✅ |
Visibility | ✅ | ✅ |
Performance | ✅ | ❌ |
Discovery and Introspection | Limited | ✅ |
Consistency | ❌ | ✅ |
Ease of Server Development | ❌ | ✅ |
Ease of Client Development | ❌ | ✅ |
Over-fetching protection without proper API design | ❌ | ✅ |
Active Community | ✅ | ✅ |
Tooling Server | ✅ | ✅ |
Tooling Client | ✅ | ✅ |
Tooling API Management | Limited | ❌ |
Maturity | ✅ | ❌ |
Works with any data representation | ✅ | ❌ |
Printed Books | ✅ | ✅ |
Enterprise Ready | ✅ | ✅ |
The following is a discussion of the particular API qualities which provide for Aerie’s needs.
Discovery and Introspection - The GraphQL data graph schema provides a contract-like mechanism where requests and replies are inherently typed and can be directly validated and resolved based on those types. This contract like nature completely describes all possible requests/responses where a typed service provider won’t compile until it fully implements its contract. A typed service consumer will be type-checked at compile time, which helps to catch problems before deployment. Finally, it is unreasonable to expect that a well-performant API can be developed for every conceivable use case. As a result the improved introspection at the per field level in GraphQL allows for targeted optimization of common or slow queries.
Consistency - The API schema is typed and therefore either correct or not. As a result, there is an inherent consistency between client and server because both must abide by the generated schema.
Ease of Server Development - It is easier (development time, complexity) to develop and maintain data source resolvers as part of a GraphQL server. Well designed, true REST APIs take time and resources and are therefore more difficult to design and maintain. GraphQL relieves the project of that unnecessary burden.
Ease of Client Development - A client can develop against the exposed contract. A client can develop custom queries targeted to its own use cases to limit both over and under fetching. In many cases this may reduce latency and increase performance by limiting client side data manipulation/filtering.
Flexibility of API Design - User and mission needs are constantly evolving. GraphQL decouples the API allowing the Aerie team to make adjustments to the API according to evolving customer needs. Additionally, the increased granularity and visibility when auditing the frequency and combinations with which certain fields are queried, allows for clearly validated deprecation, removal, and changes of fields available in the API schema.
Use Apollo GraphQL. (Later, [[0003-hasura-and-postgres]])
The Aerie GraphQL API presents a consistent application boundary to Aerie users. The API server enables the composition of multiple APIs (internal to the application) as a single API endpoint. The API component additionally provides a location in the system for the following needs:
- Manipulation of data
- Response Caching
By adopting GraphQL we knowingly forgo certain capabilities/constraints of a REST API. Three cases have been identified as possible risks and sufficient mitigation options are identified:
- Tooling API Management - GraphQL is a newer technological approach to APIs (2012). Mitigation: Aerie has chosen to use Hasura, a major open source contributor to the GraphQL community.
- Caching - REST over HTTP benefits from existing HTTP server caching and browsers client caching mechanisms. Mitigation: Most GraphQL libraries have caching mechanisms built in. Hasura caching must be handled with annotations/directives on the graph definition.
- Client-API Loose Coupling - Each new client application must make affordance at development time and hardcode custom queries and mutations as made possible by the Aerie GraphQL schema. Mitigation: None. In the Aerie context this is not considered a benefit.
Note, since the time of this original decision, the loose coupling of the client API provided by GraphQL has resulted in some challenges for missions using or considering to use Aerie:
- While missions have full flexibility in how they build queries, they must go through the legwork of building a set a queries to perform basic functions that legacy tools provided out of the box (e.g. exporting plans and simulation results). This results in added cost and an increase to the barrier of entry for missions considering Aerie. In fact, the first user of Aerie found it necessary to build a command line tool for Aerie (aerie-cli), which they graciously provided back to the community and is now maintained by the Aerie project.
- Similarly, since Aerie lives in the greater ground system ecosystem where tools often communicate to each via files, common file formats are especially useful. Missions often don't want to go through the work of creating their own file formats if pre-built ones are sufficient.
In addition to the flexibility provided by GraphQL, there still seems to be a need for Aerie to offer an "out of the box" solution (file formats and standard queries) that works for most use cases and reduces the workload on missions.