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Expansion Sets

An expansion set is merely a collection of expansion rules with the restriction of one rule per activity type. Aerie requires an expansion set to expand simulated activities into time ordered commands. All simulated instances of activity types that has an expansion rule in the set will be expanded. It is possible to create different expansion sets for different groups of activity types, such that they can be expended independently.


To view existing expansion sets or to create a new one, click on the "Sets" tab in the upper right corner of the "Expansion" page. This view lists all existing expansion sets along with the mission model and command dictionary id that they were created with. This means that all the expansion rules in the set are valid against the given mission model and command dictionaries. Clicking on the expansion set lists all of its contents in a read-only mode. To create a new expansion set click the "New" button on the upper right corner of the left pane with the table.

Aerie UI - Expansion Sets Page
Figure 1: Aerie UI Expansion Sets Page - View or delete expansion sets

In the future Aerie plans to provide more metadata like a name or user defined version number to differentiate expansion sets from mission models and command dictionaries more effectively.


On the expansion sets create page, users must select a command dictionary and mission model version. This action filters all expansion rules valid for those two inputs. In the figure below users can select as many activity types, but must select a single expansion rule per type.

Aerie UI - Expansion Sets Create Page
Figure 2: Aerie UI Expansion Sets Create Page

Expansion sets are immutable objects such that their contents can't be altered for the purposes of keeping a record for what produced the expansion outputs. Currently users need to create the expansion set from scratch if they need to modify it. Options for duplicating an existing set in editable mode or versioning expansion sets are under consideration.