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Create Scheduling Specification

A scheduling specification is required by the scheduler to execute scheduling goals. If you want to run scheduling for a plan you need to create a specification for the plan using the following mutation:

mutation CreateSchedulingSpec($spec: scheduling_specification_insert_input!) {
insert_scheduling_specification_one(object: $spec) {

The $spec query variable has the following type definition:

type SchedulingSpec = {
analysis_only: boolean;
horizon_end: string;
horizon_start: string;
plan_id: number;
plan_revision: number;
simulation_arguments: { [name: string]: any };

Here is an example query variable that implements the SchedulingSpec type above:

"spec": {
"analysis_only": false,
"horizon_end": "2030-002T00:00:00",
"horizon_start": "2030-001T00:00:00",
"plan_id": 1,
"plan_revision": 1,
"simulation_arguments": {}